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Headword: *dra/kwn
Adler number: delta,1495
Translated headword: Drakon, Draco
Vetting Status: high
An Athenian lawgiver. This man [crossed] to Aegina for lawgiving purposes and was being honoured by the Aeginetans in the theatre, but they threw so many hats and shirts and cloaks on his head that he suffocated, and was buried in that selfsame theatre. He lived in the time of the Seven Sages, or rather was even older than them; at any rate he laid down the laws for the Athenians in the 39th Olympiad,[1] as an old man. He wrote Instructions in three thousand verses.[2]
Greek Original:
*dra/kwn, *)aqhnai=os nomoqe/ths. ou(=tos ei)s *ai)/ginan e)pi\ nomoqesi/ais eu)fhmou/menos u(po\ tw=n *ai)ginhtw=n e)n tw=| qea/trw| e)pirriya/ntwn au)tw=| e)pi\ th\n kefalh\n peta/sous plei/onas kai\ xitw=nas kai\ i(ma/tia a)pepni/gh kai\ e)n au)tw=| e)ta/fh tw=| qea/trw|. ge/gone de\ toi=s xro/nois kata\ tou\s z# sofou/s, h)\ ma=llon kai\ presbu/teros. th=| gou=n lq# *)olumpia/di tou\s no/mous e)/qeto ghraio\s w)\n toi=s *)aqhnai/ois. e)/grayen *(upoqh/kas ei)s e)/ph trisxi/lia.
On Draco and his lawcode (trad. 621/0 BCE; cf. alpha 3899) see generally OCD(4) 477. On the present entry, which contains the only biographical material we have on him, see T.J. Figueira, "The strange death of Draco on Aegina," in Nomodeiktes: Greek Studies in honor of Martin Ostwald (Ann Arbor 1993) 287-304.
[1] 624-621.
[2] The present entry is the sole authority for this statement; see on it Figueira 299-300 (sceptical).
Keywords: biography; chronology; clothing; constitution; geography; law; poetry
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 July 2001@05:45:32.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 23 July 2001@21:56:02.
Elizabeth Vandiver (Added italics; cosmetics) on 20 September 2003@16:42:41.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 21 September 2003@05:37:19.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 11 November 2005@07:43:11.
David Whitehead on 17 July 2012@09:21:18.
David Whitehead on 3 August 2014@05:49:48.


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