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Headword: *dw=ros
Adler number: delta,1476
Translated headword: Doros, Dorus
Vetting Status: high
The one from Arabia. As Damascius says in his Philosophical History,[1] he was a most remarkable investigator of the truth. Isidore the philosopher[2] perceived initially that he was caught up in Aristotle’s propositions, seeing that from boyhood he had been raised amid them, and even further than his youth, and on account of his inexperience with great-minded Plato’s knowledge, not able to mount to the loftiness and brillance of his thoughts. Isidore, learning the state he was in, called him forth quickly and elevated his soul to the great sea of the truth, so that he put aside the Peripatetic pedantry that syllogizes over trifles and hastened up to the dialectic that has been sent down by the most conspicuous fire of a sort of Prometheus,[3] which is a very pure, direct beholding of the mind and thought and in it realized the philosophical hopes of life.
Greek Original:
*dw=ros, o( a)po\ th=s *)arabi/as: w(/s fhsi *dama/skios ei)s th\n *filo/sofon i(stori/an, deino/taton ei)=nai zhthth\n th=s a)lhqei/as. tou=ton *)isi/dwros o( filo/sofos h)|sqa/neto me\n th\n a)rxh\n e)pi\ tai=s *)aristote/lous u(poqe/sesin e)ndedeme/non, a(/te e)k pai/dwn e)n au)tai=s teqramme/non, porrwte/rw th=s h(liki/as, kai\ dia\ th\n a)h/qeian th=s *pla/twnos megaloprepou=s e)pisth/mhs ou) duna/menon a)napth=nai pro\s ta\ u(yhla\ kai\ lampra\ tw=n nohma/twn. ou(/tw de\ e)/xonta katamaqw\n a)nekale/sato/ te kata\ braxu\ kai\ a)nepe/tasen au)tou= th\n yuxh\n ei)s to\ me/ga pe/lagos th=s a)lhqei/as, w(/ste a)poskeuasa/menon th\n ta\ mikra\ sullogizome/nhn a)kri/beian peripathtikh\n ei)s th\n dia\ *promhqe/ws tino\s a(/ma fanota/tw| puri\ katapemfqei=san dialektikh/n, au)toyi/an te kaqarw/taton ou)=san nou= kai\ fronh/sews, a)nadramei=n te kai\ e)n au)th=| ei)soiki/sai ta\s tou= bi/ou filoso/fous e)lpi/das.
[1] Though Adler cites DamasciusLife of Isidore (perhaps more properly Philosophical History) as the source of this entry, as a matter of fact the Philosophical History is in the main reconstructed from the Suda and Photius. Scholars such as Asmus and later Zintzen undertook to reconstitute it from these authors. Most recently Athanassiadi has taken a different approach (explained on pp.63-70 of her introduction), in issuing a Greek-English edition.
[2] For the Neo-Platonic philosopher Isidore, frequently mentioned in the Suda, see iota 631.
[3] For Prometheus, bringer of fire to mankind, see generally pi 2506. For this material in general cf. Plato, Philebus 16C.
Damaskios, Das Leben des Philosophen Isidoros. Tr. Rudolf Asmus. Leipzig: Felix Meiner, 1911. [Asmus places the passage on Dorus on p.117 of his reconstruction, as fragment 215.]
Damascius, The Philosophical History. Text with translation and notes by Polymnia Athanassiadi. Athens: Apamea Cultural Association, 1999, #134, pp. 298-99.
Damascius, Vitae Isidori reliquiae. Ed. Clemens Zintzen. Hildesheim, Gg. Olms, 1967. [Not available to the translator.] This passage is fr. 338 there.
R.T. Wallis, Neoplatonism. London: Duckworth, 1972. See especially pp. 138-143.
Edward Zeller, Philosophie der Griechen, vol. 3.2, p. 909(843).
Keywords: biography; children; ethics; geography; mythology; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Oliver Phillips ✝ on 4 November 2001@04:54:16.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note and keyword; cosmetics) on 5 September 2002@04:57:50.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 17 July 2012@07:10:20.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 22 November 2014@23:26:21.


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