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Search results for delta,1452 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1452
Translated headword: gifts and donations are different
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "For donations, on the one hand, [are] the food-provisions and the special seating-arrangements[1] and the tax-exemptions and the priesthoods and whatever else distinguishes men. Gifts, on the other hand, [are] gold, silver, horses, slaves and whatever depicts wealth."[2]
So from the [word] dw=ra [comes] dwra/[3] and with a superfluous epsilon dwrea/.
Or [differentiated] thus: gifts [are] the things offered for bribery, but donations for honour.[4]
Greek Original:*dw=ra kai\ dwreai\ diafe/rei: dwreai\ me\n ga\r ai( sith/seis kai\ ai( proedri/ai kai\ ai( a)te/leiai kai\ to\ i(era=sqai kai\ o(/sa a)/lla lampru/nei a)/ndras, dw=ra de\ xruso/s, a)/rguros, i(/ppoi, a)ndra/poda kai\ o(/sa e(rmhneu/ei plou=ton. a)po\ tou= dw=ra ou)=n dwra\ kai\ pleonasmw=| tou= e# dwrea/. h)\ ou(/tws: dw=ra me\n ta\ e)pi\ dwrodoki/a| dido/mena, dwrea\ de\ e)pi\ timh=s.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; food; religion; zoology
Translated by: Constantina Katsari on 30 June 2002@11:37:20.
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