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Search results for delta,142 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,142
Translated headword: I have been bitten in the heart; I have been stung in the heart
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] I have been grieved, I have been pained.[1] And
Homer [writes]: "the speech stung the mind of Hector".[2] Also [sc. attested is the phrase] "spirit-stinging speech".[3] But [
Aristophanes] said "heart", inasmuch as he associated the heart with the things of the spirit and of pleasure. In
Homer Odysseus "struck his chest, was grieved at heart by the speech, and endured in heart, saying [...]."[4]
Greek Original:*de/dhgmai th\n kardi/an: h)ni/amai, lelu/phmai. kai\ *(/omhros: da/ke de\ fre/nas *(/ektori mu=qos. kai/, qumodake\s mu=qos. kardi/an de\ ei)=pe, paro/son peri\ th\n kardi/an suni/statai ta\ tou= qumou= kai\ ta\ th=s h(donh=s. par' *(omh/rw| *)odusseu/s: sth=qos plh/cas, kradi/hn h)ni/pape mu/qw|, te/tlaqi kradi/h fa/skwn.
[1] A foreshortened version (omitting 'my') of
Acharnians 1 (see web address 1 below), with glosses and further comment from the
scholia there.
Iliad 5.493 (web address 2).
Odyssey 8.185 (web address 3).
Odyssey 20.17 (web address 4).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; imagery; mythology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 19 December 2003@14:39:42.
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