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Search results for delta,1414 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1414
Translated headword: slavery, servitude
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [The term is used] in 3 ways: in accordance with creation, as it says, "all things are your servants;"[1] in accordance with faith, as it is said, "having been freed from sin, you were enslaved to righteousness;"[2] third, from one's manner of life in accordance with the saying, "
Moses my attendant."[3]
Greek Original:*doulei/a: kata\ g# tro/pous: to\n kata\ th\n dhmiourgi/an, kaqa/ fhsin: o(/ti ta\ su/mpanta dou=la sa/. to\n para\ th=s pi/stews, w(s ei)/rhtai: e)leuqerwqe/ntes de\ a)po\ th=s a(marti/as e)doulw/qhte th=| dikaiosu/nh|. g# a)po\ th=s politei/as kata\ to\ ei)rhme/non: *mwush=s o( qera/pwn mou.
cf. John Chrysostom PG 60.395a26; Theophylact of Ochrid PG 124.337b
[1] Psalm 118.91 LXX.
[2] Romans 6.18.
[3] Joshua 1.2 LXX.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; ethics; imagery; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 3 March 2005@18:34:27.
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