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Search results for delta,1395 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1395
Translated headword: a spear as a herald's wand
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A proverb in reference to those who encourage and threaten at the same time.[1] The Gephyraeans on whom the Athenians had imposed a tithe for
Delphi received this response [from the oracle]: "to a Gephyraean man a house [is] dear." Following oxen, until they grew tired, because the god had told them that they should remain there, while the Athenians were being fought in a war by Eumolpus, they journeyed to the [place] called
Tanagra,[2] giving a herald's wand to their leader, but arming the young men behind him.[3]
Greek Original:*do/ru khru/keion: paroimi/a e)pi\ tw=n a(/ma parakalou/ntwn kai\ a)peilou/ntwn. oi( dekateuqe/ntes ei)s *delfou\s u(p' *)aqhnai/wn *gefurai=oi labo/ntes xrhsmo/n: a)ndri\ *gefurai/w| fi/los oi)=kos: a)kolouqou=ntes bousi/n, e(/ws a)\n ou(= e)kei=noi kopia/swsin, w(s o( qeo\s au)toi=s e)/xrhsen, o(/pws e)kei= katamei/nwsi, polemoume/nwn *)aqhnai/wn u(po\ *eu)mo/lpou, e)pi\ th\n *ta/nagran kaloume/nhn w(/deusan, do/ntes me\n tw=| prohgoume/nw| khru/keion, kaqopli/santes de\ kato/pin tou\s neou/s.
Keywords: aetiology; daily life; geography; history; military affairs; mythology; proverbs; religion; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 10 March 2005@00:04:22.
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