[Meaning] the timber which supports the roof of the house.
*dorodo/kos: to\ cu/lon to\ u(podexo/menon th=s oi)ki/as to\n o)/rofon.
For this form of the headword noun,
dorodo/kos, see also under
sigma 1228, in ps.-
Zonaras' entry which echoes the present one, and in
Etymologicum Magnum 731.10. LSJ s.v. nevertheless registers it as
dourodo/kos, as in Harpocration sigma52 Keaney. On the
dour- discrepancy see generally LSJ s.v.
do/ru; and compare the formally related (but substantively different) compound at
delta 1433. As regards the present headword, the
-dokos element implies housing, receiving, supporting.
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