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Adler number: delta,1352
Translated headword: Domitian, Domitianus, Dometianos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Emperor of [the] Romans, brother of Titus, whose successor he became. He emulated not his father's or his brother's habit of good government, but, on the contrary, the appetite for iniquity of
Tiberius and Nero. He canvassed every form of evil, and having had his fill of murder, woman-craziness and even man-craziness he, though godless, finally made himself into a god. Then that wretched man, having proved himself to be hateful to all, and despised on account of his murderous nature and the beastliness of his polluted mind, quite appropriately brought upon himself the rewards of his own malevolence, and brought an end to his depraved and obscene life with the most shameful of fates.[1]
This man, under the influence of some demonic bewitchment, grew spiteful of his brother and did away with him by poison, out of his passion for power. And although the affairs of the Romans were in a wretched state, he did not curtail any of his forms or pursuits of savagery, greed, murderous activity or anything else, along with his lack of self control and discipline as regards matters of the body. He also exiled Nerva on the charge that he was plotting to obtain the principate, and he arrested Apollonius of
Tyana as a friend of Nerva and had him shorn and brought into court in fetters. And when the philosopher did not relent in his ridicule of the things that had happened on account of him and in his criticism of the things that had been done, out of shame he ordered him taken away. It was then, they say, that Apollonius uttered that famous remark -- "You will not kill me, since, I assure you, I am not mortal" -- and thereupon immediately disappeared.[2]
This man banished even the philosophers and the mathematicians from Rome. In his reign also John the Evangelist was exiled to
Patmos. And he ordered those from the family of
David to be executed, and many Christians were martyred under him. Nerva released John the Theologian from exile. Hadrian, who was a restorer in many respects, also installed a king over the Lazoi or Kolchoi.[3] But it was ill-advised when he withdrew from
Mesopotamia (which had been annexed by the Romans under Trajan) at the request of the Persians, making the Euphrates the border of the empire.[4]
This man [Domitian], being universally hated on account of his murderousness and beastliness, was assassinated at the hands of members of his household who had conspired against him. They arranged to send in
Stephanos the freedman with a dagger; and he fell upon Domitian while he was sleeping in the middle of the day and struck him, not, in fact, at the right time, but when he had already leapt up from bed.[5]
Greek Original:*dometiano/s, basileu\s *(rwmai/wn, a)delfo\s *ti/tou, ou(= dia/doxos geno/menos ou) th\n patrikh\n kai\ a)delfikh\n e)zh/lwsen a)/riston politei/an, a)lla\ th\n *tiberi/ou kai\ *ne/rwnos a)nosiourgi/an e)k diame/trou. kai\ dh\ pa=n ei)=dos kaki/as e)pelqw\n miaifoni/as te kai\ gunaikomani/as a(/ma kai\ a)ndromani/as a)na/plews geno/menos e(auto\n o( a)/qeos teleutai=on a)peqe/wse. ka)nteu=qen ou)=n e)/xqiston a(/pasi kai\ a)po/blhton dia\ to\ foniko/n te kai\ qhriw=des th=s miara=s gnw/mhs e(auto\n o( ta/las a)pofh/nas, ei)ko/tws ma/la ta\ e)pi/xeira th=s oi)kei/as dusmenei/as komisa/menos ai)sxi/stw| mo/rw| to\n musaro\n kai\ be/bhlon katastre/fei bi/on. ou(=tos su\n tw=| baska/nw| dai/moni nemesh/sas tw=| a)delfw=| tou=ton a)nairei= farma/kw|, e)/rwti th=s a)rxh=s. kai\ ponhrw=s ta\ pra/gmata *(rwmai/wn diaqei\s ou)de\n w)mo/thtos ou)de\ pleoneci/as ou)de\ fonikh=s e)nergei/as h)\ e(te/rou tino\s parale/loipen ei)=dos h)\ spou/dasma, meta\ tou= kai\ a)krath\s ei)=nai kai\ a)ko/lastos ta\ peri\ to\ sw=ma. ou(=tos kai\ *ne/rban mete/sthsen w(s e)pibouleu/onta th=| basilei/a|, kai\ *)apollw/nion to\n *tuane/a w(s fi/lon *ne/rba|, sullabw\n a)pe/keire kai\ de/smion ei)s dikasth/rion h)/gage. kai\ e)pei\ o( filo/sofos ou)k e)nedi/dou e)peggelw=n ta\ gino/mena par' au)tou= kai\ e)piplh/ttwn toi=s prattome/nois, ai)sxunqei\s diafh=ken au)to/n. to/te fasi\ kai\ to\ poluqru/lhton e)/pos ei)pei=n to\n *)apollw/nion: ou) me/n me ktene/eis, e)pei\ ou)/ toi mo/rsimo/s ei)mi: a)/fanton gene/sqai paraxrh=ma. ou(=tos kai\ tou\s filoso/fous kai\ maqhmatikou\s e)fuga/deusen a)po\ *(rw/mhs. e)pi\ tou/tou kai\ *)iwa/nnhs o( *eu)aggelisth\s ei)s *pa/tmon e)cori/zetai. kai\ tou\s a)po\ tou= ge/nous *dabi\d a)nairei=sqai prose/tace, kai\ *xristianoi\ polloi\ e)p' au)tou= marturou=si. *ne/rbas de\ a)polu/ei th=s e)cori/as *)iwa/nnhn to\n *qeolo/gon. *)adriano\s de\ polla\ a)norqw/sas kai\ *lazoi=s h)/toi *ko/lxois basile/a e)pe/sthsen. ou)k eu)bou/lws de\ th=s *mesopotami/as paraxwrei= *pe/rsais dehqei=sin au)tou=, kthqei/shs u(po\ *traianou= *(rwmai/ois, kai\ to\n *eu)fra/thn o(/ron poiei=tai th=s a)rxh=s. ou(=tos dia\ to\ foniko\n kai\ qhriw=des e)/xqistos w)\n pro\s tw=n oi)kei/wn susta/ntwn e)p' au)tw=| kataktei/netai kai\ paraskeuasame/nous ei)spe/myai cu\n cifidi/w| *ste/fanon to\n a)peleu/qeron: kai\ tou=ton prospeso/nta *dometianw=| kaqeu/donti to\ meqhmerino\n pata/cai me/n, ou) mh\n kairi/an, a)naphdh/santos gou=n e)kei/nou.
Titus Flavius Domitianus, emperor 81-96; OCD(4) 472-3;
De Imperatoribus Romanis entry by John Donahue at web address 1; and already
delta 1351.
[1] George the Monk,
Chronicon 2.444.1-11.
[2] cf.
Life of Apollonius of Tyana 8.8, where A. quotes Apollo's taunt to Achilles from
Iliad 22.13. (On Apollonius see generally
alpha 3420.)
[3] For 'Lazoi or Kolchoi' cf.
kappa 1979, and see generally OCD(4) s.v. Colchis. The king here was the Arsacid Volog(a)eses II.
[4] cf. Eutropius,
Breviarium 8.6.
[5] John of
Antioch fr.107 FHG (4.579ff.), now 190.1 Roberto.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; daily life; epic; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; law; medicine; philosophy; poetry; proverbs; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 2 November 2002@09:40:26.
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