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Search results for delta,1347 in Adler number:
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Headword: *dolw/neia
Adler number: delta,1347
Translated headword: Doloneia, Dolonia
Vetting Status: high
A city [of that name].
Greek Original:
*dolw/neia: po/lis.
Unattested as such outside lexicography. Rather, this headword is used in the scholia to Homer and by Aelian, Herodian, Eustathius and others for the "lay" of Dolon in Iliad book 10 (delta 1345); cf. e.g. Odysseia (Odyssey), Diomedeia, Giganteia, Heracleia. (Still commonly used for this.)
'Doloneia' as a city is perhaps an error/aberration for one of the numerous cities called Koloneia (Colonia).
Keywords: definition; epic; geography
Translated by: David Whitehead on 27 November 2002@07:24:22.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth on 28 November 2002@00:18:06.
Robert Dyer (Added note on normal use, raised status) on 16 December 2002@09:56:20.
David Whitehead (x-ref; cosmetics) on 29 June 2004@05:21:56.
David Whitehead (augmented note, with a suggestion from Nicholas Fincher) on 20 September 2004@04:41:34.
David Whitehead on 13 November 2015@03:16:11.


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