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Search results for delta,132 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,132
Translated headword: apportioner, carver, distributor
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning someone] distributing miniscule portions to those feasting. For thus they used to feast apportioning both the sheep and the drink. Hence [
Homer] says: "of an equal banquet."[1] [Meaning] of equally distributed food. Or 'apportioner', [meaning simply] the one dividing up and apportioning the meat.
Timaeus[2] "says that poets and prose writers betray their own natures by their excessive repetitions. He says that by [depicting] carving so often in his poetry the poet [
Homer] showed himself to be a glutton; and that
Aristotle, by [depicting] seasoning, [revealed himself] to be an epicure and voracious;[3] and that
Dionysius the tyrant[4] was an arranger of dining couches[5] and was constantly busy with the eccentricities of fabrics and their varieties. Our opinion [of
Timaeus] is bound to follow from this, and to be displeased [with him] on the basis of his own predilections."
Greek Original:*daitro/s: prosdiairw=n e)la/xista toi=s e(stiwme/nois. ou(/tws ga\r ei(stiw=nto merizo/menoi ta/ te pro/bata kai\ to\n po/ton. paro\ kai\ le/gei: daito\s e)i/+shs. i)somoi/rou trofh=s. h)\ *daitro/s, o( diairw=n kai\ diane/mwn ta\ kre/a. o(/ti *ti/maio/s fhsi, tou\s poihta\s kai\ tou\s suggrafei=s dia\ tw=n u(pera/nw pleonasmw=n e)mfai/nein ta\s e(autw=n fu/seis, le/gwn e)k tou= daitreu/ein to\n poihth\n pollaxou= th=s poih/sews gastri/margon paremfai/nein, to\n de\ *)aristote/lhn o)yartu/onta, o)yofa/gon ei)=nai kai\ li/xnon, to\n de\ *dionu/sion to\n tu/rannon klinokosmou=nta kai\ ta\s tw=n u(fasma/twn i)dio/thtas kai\ poikili/as e)cergazo/menon sunexw=s. a)na/gkh th\n a)ko/louqon poiei=sqai dia/lhyin, kai\ dusarestei=sqai kata\ th\n proai/resin.
Iliad 1.468 and 9.225, quoted in the Suda perhaps not directly but by way of
scholia. See already
delta 128.
[2] From here on, the entry quotes (perhaps, in Adler's view, via the
Excerpta Constantini Porphyrogeniti) the Hellenistic historian
Polybius' quotation of the harshly judgmental Sicilian historian
Timaeus, and follows with
Polybius' own harsh judgment of
Timaeus (12.24.1-4).
Timaeus' extensive writings survive only in quotations such as these. See generally
tau 600,
tau 602. For the relation between
Polybius (200-120 BCE) and
Timaeus (350-260 BCE) see OCD(4) 1481-2.
Timaeus perhaps had in mind
Nicomachean Ethics 1118a32 (the epicure who prayed for a longer throat). Compare in any event
Deipnosophists 8.342C (8.28 Kaibel). For another of
Timaeus' harsh slams at
Aristotle and for some bibliography, see
alpha 3930.
[4] Ruled Syracuse 405-367 BCE, keeping the Carthaginians at bay and becoming the stuff of story. See OCD(4) 459-60, and
delta 1178.
[5] cf.
kappa 1810.
Polybius, The Histories, ed. and tr. W. R. Paton, 6. vols., London: Heinemann, 1922-27
Keywords: biography; definition; epic; ethics; food; historiography; poetry
Translated by: Oliver Phillips â on 15 December 2001@21:10:52.
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