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Headword: *difalaggi/a a)nti/stomos
Adler number: delta,1287
Translated headword: face-to-face twin-phalanx formation
Vetting Status: high
That which has leaders stationed in the middle but the rearguards[1] from both of the divisions stationed on the outside in side-formations, some of them on the right, others on the left, and the rearguards stationed in the middle.
Twin-phalanx formation: the 2 phalanx-commands; 8192 men.[2] By some this is also called a 'division' [meros], but also a 'wing' [keras], and the commander a 'wing-leader'.
On this subject look in the end of the book.[3]
Greek Original:
*difalaggi/a a)nti/stomos: h(/tis me\n h(gemo/nas e)/xei me/sous tetagme/nous, tou\s de\ ou)ragou\s e)/cw e)/xousa e)c e(kate/rwn tw=n merw=n e)n paragwgai=s tetagme/nous, ou(\s me\n e)n decia=|, ou(\s de\ e)n eu)wnu/mw|, tou\s de\ ou)ragou\s e)n me/sw| tetagme/nous. *difalaggi/a, ai( b# falaggarxi/ai: a)/ndres #22hr#4b#. tou=to de\ kai\ me/ros u(p' e)ni/wn kalei=tai, a)lla\ kai\ ke/ras, kai\ o( h(gou/menos kera/rxhs. zh/tei peri\ tau/ths e)n tw=| te/lei tou= bibli/ou.
cf. under epsilon 953, kappa 2540, tau 407.
[1] omicron 930, omicron 931.
[2] cf. phi 30.
[3] i.e. lemmata 54-55 in the Onomasticon Tacticum located after psi.
Keywords: definition; military affairs
Translated by: William Hutton on 3 March 2005@00:27:53.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (notes; cosmetics) on 3 March 2005@03:50:58.
David Whitehead (another note) on 3 March 2005@07:37:05.
David Whitehead (more x-refs; tweaking) on 15 July 2012@06:54:37.
David Whitehead (coding and other cosmetics) on 12 November 2015@04:11:19.
Catharine Roth (cross-reference) on 16 July 2022@17:30:30.


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