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Search results for delta,128 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,128
Translated headword: of an equal banquet
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] from feasting divided equally.[1]
Zenodotus[2] says [it means] "of good [feasting]," since nourishment is good for mankind. Since the first human beings, who did not have bountiful nourishment, snatched it by force and took it from those who had it, and along with disorder even murders took place: from this
a)tasqali/a ["recklessness"] was named.[3] For in festivities [
qali/a] the first men sinned. But later they apportioned [their food] and meals came into good order. From this also comes
daitro/s ["carver"], and
dai/s "feasting", and
daitumo/nes ["banqueters"]. [Note] that
dai/s is said about human beings, but not about wild animals.
Zenodotus was ignorant of the meaning of this word when he said, "[Achilles' wrath] made [them] the booty for dogs and a banquet for birds."[4]
Greek Original:*daito\s e)i/+shs: e)c i)/sou merizome/nhs eu)wxi/as. *zhno/dotos de\ th=s a)gaqh=s fhsin: e)peidh\ h( trofh\ tw=| a)nqrw/pw| a)gaqo/n. e)peidh\ oi( prw=toi a)/nqrwpoi, oi(=s dh\ ou) parh=n a)/fqonos h( trofh/, bi/a| h(/rpazon kai\ a)fh|rou=nto tou\s e)/xontas, kai\ meta\ th=s a)kosmi/as e)gi/nonto kai\ fo/noi: e)c w(=n lexqh=nai th\n a)tasqali/an. e)n ga\r tai=s qali/ais h(ma/rtanon ta\ prw=ta oi( a)/nqrwpoi. u(/steron de\ die/nemon, kai\ h)=lqen ei)s ko/smon ta\ do/rpa. e)/nqen kai\ daitro/s: kai\ dai/s, h( eu)wxi/a: kai\ daitumo/nes. o(/ti e)pi\ a)nqrw/pwn le/getai dai/s, e)pi\ de\ qhri/wn ou)/. a)gnow=n de\ *zhno/dotos th=s fwnh=s tau/ths th\n du/namin e)/fh: e(lw/ria teu=xe ku/nessin oi)wnoi=si/ te dai=ta.
cf. generally
delta 124,
delta 126,
delta 127,
delta 129,
delta 130,
delta 131,
delta 132 and for the adjective,
epsilon 291.
[1] Likewise in other lexica, and cf. the
scholia on
Iliad 1.468, where this phrase occurs (web address 1).
zeta 74. Evidently he thought the adjective was related to
e)u/s rather than
[3] cf.
alpha 4325,
alpha 4326.
[4] All this material comes from
Deipnosophists 1.12C-F (1.21 Kaibel); the last comment refers to a dispute over the correct reading at
Iliad 1.4-5.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: aetiology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; food; mythology; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 19 May 2004@00:04:15.
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