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Search results for delta,1267 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1267
Translated headword: an octopus pounded with twice seven blows
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to those who deserve punishment, inasmuch as when the octopus has been caught it is beaten many times to make it tender.[1] And [there is] another proverb: "twice and thrice the good," [said because] thus one ought to say "good" many times.[2] Also "old men [are] twice children;" in reference to those who seem to be rather simple-minded in old age.[3] Also "[it is] shameful to stumble twice on the same rock;" in reference to those who succumb a second time to the same stupidity.[4]
Greek Original:*di\s e(pta\ plhgai=s polu/pous pilou/menos: e)pi\ tw=n kola/sews a)ci/wn, paro/son o( polu/pous qhreuqei\s tu/ptetai polla/kis pro\s to\ pi/wn gene/sqai. kai\ e(te/ra paroimi/a: *di\s kai\ tri\s to\ kalo/n, ou(/tw xrh\ to\ kalo\n polla/kis le/gein. kai\ *di\s pai=des oi( ge/rontes, e)pi\ tw=n pro\s to\ gh=ras eu)hqeste/rwn ei)=nai dokou/ntwn. kai\ *di\s pro\s to\n au)to\n ai)sxro\n proskrou/ein li/qon, e)pi\ tw=n e)k deute/rou toi=s au)toi=s a)toph/masi peripipto/ntwn.
Keywords: children; comedy; daily life; ethics; food; philosophy; proverbs; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 26 February 2005@00:55:04.
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