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Search results for delta,1240 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1240
Translated headword: Dion, Dio
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of Pasicrates; of Prusa.[1] Sophist and philosopher; they called him 'Golden Mouth' [
Chrysostomos]. He affected gravity to such an extent that he went out wearing a lion's skin. He was physically slight, and he spent much of his time with the Caesar Trajan, so that he even sat with him in the imperial chariot. He wrote
Is the Cosmos Perishable?;
Encomium of Heracles and Plato;
In Defence of Homer against Plato, 4 [books];
On the Virtues of Alexander, 5 [books].
This man even attacks
Homer for falsifying his record of the Trojan war.[2]
Greek Original:*di/wn, o( *pasikra/tous, *prousaeu/s, sofisth\s kai\ filo/sofos, o(\n *xruso/stomon e)ka/lesan. a)ntepoiei=to de\ semno/thtos w(s kai\ leonth=n forw=n proi+e/nai. h)=n de\ lepto\s to\ sw=ma kai\ die/triye to\ plei=ston para\ *traianw=| tw=| *kai/sari, w(s kai\ sugkaqe/zesqai e)n tw=| basilikw=| o)xh/mati. e)/grayen *ei) fqarto\s o( ko/smos, *)egkw/mion *(hrakle/ous kai\ *pla/twnos, *(upe\r *(omh/rou pro\s *pla/twna d#, *peri\ tw=n *)aleca/ndrou a)retw=n h#. ou(=tos diaba/llei kai\ to\n *(/omhron w(s yeudw=s ta\ peri\ to\ *)/ilion gegrafo/ta.
c.40/50 - after 110 AD. See generally RE
Dion(18); NP
Dion(3); OCD4 Dio Cocceianus; PIR2 D93;
Lives of the Sophists 1.7.
[1] In
Bithynia (present-day Bursa in Turkey); Barrington Atlas map 52 grid E4.
[2] Dio,
Oration 11.
Keywords: biography; clothing; epic; ethics; geography; medicine; mythology; philosophy; rhetoric; science and technology; zoology
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 10 February 2001@11:06:25.
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