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Adler number: delta,1238
Translated headword: Dion, Dio
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of Hipparinos; a Syracusan, a Platonic philosopher. [He was] the brother of Aristomache, the wife of the older
Dionysius, tyrant of
Sicily.[1] He also ruled over
Sicily as tyrant, expelling
Dionysius, the son of the older
Dionysius,[2] whose brother Nisaios in turn expelled this
Dion.[3] He wrote letters to
Plato and to some others.[4]
Greek Original:*di/wn, *(ippari/nou, *surakou/sios, filo/sofos *platwniko/s, tou= *sikeli/as tura/nnou *dionusi/ou tou= prote/rou th=s gameth=s *)aristoma/xhs a)delfo/s: o(\s kai\ e)kra/thse th=s *sikeli/as turanni/dos, e)kbalw\n to\n tou= prote/rou *dionusi/ou ui(o\n *dionu/sion: ou(= pa/lin a)delfo\s *nisai=os e)ce/bale *di/wna tou=ton. e)/grayen e)pistola\s pro\s *pla/twna kai\ a)/llous tina/s.
c.408-353 BCE; OCD(4) s.v.
Dion (by B.M. Caven).
The present entry corresponds closely with material in the
scholia to
Plato's Letters, at 320A; on this and the other primary sources see Westlake (below) 693-5.
Dionysius I of Syracuse (c.430-367 BCE). See
delta 1178.
Dion seized Syracuse in 357 BCE, when
Dionysius II was absent in Italy. For
Dionysius II of Syracuse see
delta 1179.
[3] Nisaios is an iotacism for Nysaios. The Suda is mistaken, for
Dion was assassinated by Kallippos, who was in turn replaced by Hipparinos and Nysaios, the half-brothers of
Dionysius II.
Dionysius II returned from
Locri in 346 and drove out Nysaios.
Dion is known to have written letters to
Plato and
Speusippus but none of these has survived.
Berve, H. Dion. Mainz : Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, 1957. (Abhandlungen der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse, Nr.10, 1956)
Kroll, W. 'Nysaios' in RE 17.2, col.1661
Westlake, H.D. in Cambridge Ancient History vol.6 edn.2 (1994) chap.13
Keywords: biography; geography; history; philosophy; politics; women
Translated by: Tony Natoli on 17 March 2002@01:47:28.
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