[Meaning he/she/it] separated,[1] put apart from one another. "It was impiety which dispersed mankind from God. Whoever retires[2] from human affairs and pursuits by means of his own virtue and piety, aiming only at God himself, both enjoys [His] presence while alive and returns to Him after death".[3]
*diw|ki/sato: diexw/risen, a)p' a)llh/lwn e)poi/hse. diw|ki/sato tou\s a)nqrw/pous a)po\ qeou= h( a)nosio/ths. o(/stis de\ di' a)reth=s kai\ o(sio/thtos a)pa/gwn e(auto\n a)po\ tw=n a)nqrwpi/nwn pragma/twn kai\ spoudasma/twn e)p' au)to\n to\n qeo/n, kai\ zw=n tugxa/nei paro/ntos kai\ teleuth/sas metw|ki/sato pro\s au)to/n.
For this verb see also
delta 1231; LSJ entry at web address 1.
[1] See e.g.
Isocrates 5.45
d. ta\s po/leis, "breaking cities up into villages";
Demosthenes 19.81
diwkisme/noi kata\ kw/mas, "dispersed into villages";
Polybius 4.27.6
diw/|kisen *mantinei=s e)k mia=s po/lews ei)s plei/ous, "scattered the Mantineans from one community into many" (cf.
Hellenica 5.2.7
diw|ki/sqh h( *manti/neia tetraxh=|, "
Mantineia was divided into four parts"); on this see
mu 163. For the use of
dioiki/zw with simple genitive see [Lucian],
Charidemus 19.
[2] Adler's apparatus notes Bernhardy's opinion about the participle
a)pa/gwn: 'participium cum extra structuram sit positum, videntur pauca quaedam excidisse'. But the text seems quite in order and does not require any intervention. The pronoun
o(/stis is used as an equivalent of
pa=s o(/stis which frequently occurs with a substantivized participle in later and Christian Greek, in some instances without the article. See
Matthew 7.26
pa=s o( a)kou/wn (cf. 7.24
pa\s o(/stis a)kou/ei; Gregory of Nazianzus,
Carmina moralia PG 37.613.12-614.1
pa/ntes ga\r e(no\s ge/nos, o(/stis a)na/sswn, o(/stis a)nassome/nois e)nari/qmios "all of us, we are sons of one [God], whoever has power as well as whoever is counted among the subjects"; id.
Contra Julianum 1 (PG 35.636.14)
kai/ moi sunaganaktei/tw pa=s o(/stis lo/gois xai/rwn, kai/ th=| moi/ra| tau/th| proskei/menos, "Let whoever likes these words and is submitted to such a condition to be angry at me".
[3] The quotation stems from an unidentifiable Christian source.
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