*diw/kein: ei)s a)gora\n a)/gein. tou=to le/getai, o(/tan prou)pofu/gh| tis. ta/ttetai de\ kai\ e)pi\ tou= sunto/nws e)lau/nein. kai\ *diwko/meqa, a)nti\ tou= kathgorou/meqa.
For this sense of the verb
diw/kw see also
delta 1229 (LSJ entry at web address 1). The present entry is prompted by
Ecclesiazusae 452 (web address 2). Chremes is reporting to Blepyrus the public speech made by a "good-looking young man" (427) who, as the audience knows, is Blepyrus' wife Praxagora. After the negative remarks she has expressed on the subject of Blepyrus himself, her praise of women is now mentioned:
ou) sukofantei=n, ou) diw/kein, ou)de\ to\n dh/mon katalu/ein, a)lla\ polla\ ka)gaqa/; "they are not informers, they don't prosecute, they don't undermine the people, but [they do] many good things". [The
scholia vetera here have the gloss
ei)s a)gora\n fe/rein without a preceding lemma. According to Rutherford's edition of the
scholia, the gloss is to be referred to 'some unknown variant' or else identified as a 'misplaced comment'; but this Suda shows that missing lemma is almost certain to have been
[1] For the
agora (in
Athens and elsewhere) see the sequence of entries between
alpha 299 and
alpha 313. Its economic and commercial role as a marketplace is self-evident, but such idioms as
ei)s a)gora\n e)mba/llein (
Against Leocrates 5) are also used in the sense of "being a citizen"; and in the present instance the use of
diw/kein highlights the
agora as a place of assemblies, public speeches, and -- in the jurycourts which clustered there -- litigation. The use of
diw/kein in a law-related context is evident from the expression
o( diw/kwn as "prosecutor/plaintiff" vs.
o( feu/gwn as "defendant" (e.g.
Herodotus 6.82;
Eumenides 583) and
o( diwko/menos (Antiphon 2.1.5;
Apology 21); cf. also
diw/kein tina\ peri\ qana/tou Xenophon,
Hellenica 7.3.6;
turanni/dos Herodotus 6.104.
*diw/kw is also used in the sense of avenging a murder (
Orestes 1534;
Politics 1269a2); the idiom
di/khn diw/kein is a synonym for pursuing one’s own right in a court (
Demosthenes 54.41). Note also the verb
[2] Although the verb
proupofeu/gw occurs only here, there is no reason to reject it (with Bernhardy) as a
verbum suspectum. As for the meaning, see
Hesychius delta2042, who explains
diw/kein as
katalamba/nein feu/gonta.
[3] cf. Aristonicus in Schol.
Iliad 8.439a
"[*zeu=s ... a(/rma kai\ i(/ppous] *ou)/lumpon de\ di/wke": o(/ti kuri/ws diw/kein le/getai, o(/tan profeu/gh| tis, nu=n de\ e)pi\ tou= sunto/nws e)lau/nontos;"(Zeus) rapidly drove (his chariot and horses) up to Olympus" (web address 3).
[4] For the general meaning in
Aristophanes cf.
Knights 368:
diw/comai/ se deili/as, "I will sue you for cowardice". Here the quotation stems from
Acharnians 699 (web address 4, see schol.
ad loc., where wordplay arises from the double meaning of the word
diw/kein: in the parabasis, the choryphaeus is complaining that after having fought and pursued the enemy at
nu=n d' u(p' a)ndrw=n ponhrw=n sfo/dra diwko/meqa, ka)=|ta prosalisko/meqa, "[We were the pursuers], but now we are the aim of the lawsuits of wicked prosecutors; and then, we are falling in their hands". The whole passage is clearly a satire on the Athenians’
filodiki/a (
Clouds 207-8,
Peace 505,
Knights 1317). The reader would have expected a contrasting word such
feu/gomen, and the joke rests on the use of passive, as in the following
prosalisko/meqa "we are caught" (but also "convicted"). For a parallel example see
Knights 969
e)/xwn kata/paston kai\ stefa/nhn e)f' a(/rmatos xrusou= diw/ceis *Smiku/qhn, "wearing a purple robe and a crown, on a golden chariot, you will pursue Smicythes…(through the courts)!", where Demos is apparently promised a triumph, as the purple and the diadem show, but instead of luxuries a forensic fight turns out to await him (web address 5).
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