*diofanou=s, tw=| *diofanei=.
Adler notes that this entry occurs in just three mss (AGI), and she cites a comparable one in
Lexicon Ambrosianum 504.
For individuals called
Diophanes in the Suda see the preceding entry
delta 1217 and also -- for the genitive case, as here --
pi 2165. The present entry seemingly simply gives (i) the genitive (as "headword") and dative (as "gloss") cases of that proper name; however, the accentuation is wrong for this. It would be right for the (ii) adjective
diafanh/s (sic: cf.
delta 810,
delta 811), but then the entry would be out of alphabetical order (unless one assumes the variant reading
diofanh/s, as attested in
Themistius), and the capitalisation of the
gloss erroneous. (All headwords are capitalised in Adler.) On balance, DW opts for i.
It is impossible to determine where the entry stems from.
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