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Search results for delta,1217 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1217
Translated headword: Diophanes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man was from
Megalopolis.[1] [He was someone] who had great expertise in military matters because, during the lengthy war against Nabis[2] which was waged in the vicinity of
Megalopolis, he had served all the time continuously under Philopoemen[3] and [thus] acquired authentic experience in the affairs of war. Besides, in appearance and in physical prowess the man was able and formidable. And most important, he was a valiant man for war and exceptionally skilled in weaponry.
Greek Original:*diofa/nhs: ou(=tos *megalopoli/ths h)=n. o(\s mega/lhn e(/cin ei)=xen e)n toi=s polemikoi=s dia\ to\ poluxroni/ou gegono/tos tou= pro\s *na/bin pole/mou toi=s *megalopoli/tais a)stugei/tonos pa/nta sunexw=s to\n xro/non u(po\ to\n *filopoi/mena tetagme/nos tribh\n e)sxhke/nai tw=n kata\ po/lemon e)/rgwn a)lhqinh/n. xwri/s te tou/twn kata\ th\n e)pifa/neian kai\ kata\ th\n swmatikh\n xrei/an h)=n o( a)nh\r dunato\s kai\ kataplhktiko/s. to\ de\ kuriw/taton, pro\s po/lemon u(ph=rxen a)nh\r a)gaqo\s kai\ toi=s o(/plois e)xrh=to diafero/ntws.
Polybius 21.9.1-3. For a modern summary of D's career as general and diplomat in the early second century BCE see F.W. Walbank,
A Historical Commentary on Polybius 3 (Oxford 1979) 93.
[1] And thus a fellow-citizen of
Polybius himself (
pi 1941).
[2] See generally
nu 5.
[3] See generally
phi 409.
Keywords: biography; ethics; geography; historiography; history; medicine; military affairs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 May 2003@09:10:28.
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