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Headword: *dio\s kw/|dion
Adler number: delta,1210
Translated headword: Zeus' ram-fleece
Vetting Status: high
[The fleece] of which[1] the victim has been sacrificed to Zeus. They [sc. the Athenians] sacrifice both[2] to [Zeus] Meilichios[3] and to Zeus Ktesios.[4] They preserve the fleeces of these [victims],[5] calling on the name of Zeus. Those who use them are the participants marching in the solemn procession of the Skirophoria[6] and the torch-bearer in Eleusis, and certain others when strewing them under the feet of the supplicants asking to be purified.
Greek Original:
*dio\s kw/|dion: ou(= to\ i(erei=on *dii\ te/qutai. qu/ousi/ te tw=| te *meilixi/w| kai\ tw=| *kthsi/w| *dii/. ta\ de\ kw/|dia tou/twn fula/ssousi *di/a prosagoreu/ontes. xrw=ntai d' au)toi=s oi(/ te *skirofori/wn th\n pomph\n ste/llontes kai\ o( da|dou=xos e)n *)eleusi=ni, kai\ a)/lloi tine\s pro\s tou\s kaqarmou\s u(postornu/ntes au)ta\ toi=s posi\ tw=n e)nagw=n.
Same entry in Photius, Lexicon delta657 (= Pausanias the Atticist delta18); similar material elsewhere.
cf. generally kappa 2216.
[1] So DW; the translator prefers 'where' for this opening ou(=.
[2] The transmitted text has te before as well as after tw=|; the first of them is otiose.
[3] This cultual epithet (cf. mu 847, mu 848), whose meaning is "who should be propitiated", is mostly related to Zeus, but sometimes associated with others gods. The cult of Zeus Meilichios featured the offer of cakes or sacrificial animals and was especially celebrated during the Diasia, an important Athenian festival (see Thucydides 1.126.6: web address 1).
[4] The epithet is related to the function of Zeus as the god protector of the property (kth=ma), to whom sacrifices were offered from families, individuals and cities. The cult of Zeus Ktesios shares many features with that of Zeus Meilichios: in both roles the god is represented as a huge snake, and an analogous efficiency in protecting a household or a clan is known for Zeus Meilichios as for Zeus Ktesios (cf. Xenophon, Anabasis 7.8.1: web address 2).
[5] The ritual usage of the skins of the animal offered to Zeus Meilichios is only attested by Eustathius on Homer, Odyssey 10.481 oi( to\ diopompei=n de\ e(rmhneu/ontes fasi\n o(/ti di=on e)ka/loun, kw/|dion (malim di=on e)ka/loun k.) i(erei/ou tiqe/ntos *dii\ *meilixi/w| e)n toi=s kaqarmoi=s fqi/nontos *maimakthriw=nos mhno\s o(/te h)/gonto ta\ pompai=a; "the interpreters of [the word] diopompei=n say that as di=on was indicated the skin of a victim offered to Zeus Meilichios during the purificatory rituals (celebrated) at the end of the month of Maimakterion, when the processional ceremonies were held". For the connection of Zeus Meilichios with the purification of murderers polluted because of bloodshed (e)nagei=s) see Pausanias 2.20.1 (web address 3); Plutarch, Theseus 12.1 (who mentions the rituals as *meili/xia: web address 4). See also alpha 3297, delta 1189; scholia to Plato, Laws 854B.
[6] A festival (Hesychius sigma1026 o)/noma e(orth=s) celebrated in Athens during the month which took its name -- Skirophorion -- from the event; see sigma 623, sigma 626. It concerned mainly women and included a solemn procession and the carrying of the ski/ra (a sunshade or an image of Athena). The destination of the procession was a sanctuary of Athena Sciras on the road to Eleusis; the ceremonies may have mixed the cult of Athena with those of Demeter and Kore. Hence, perhaps, the mention of the Eleusinian torch-bearer (delta 6).
H. Cancik & H. Schneider (eds.), Der neue Pauly : Enzyklopaedie der Antike, Stuttgart, Metzler, 1996-2003 (s.v. Zeus)
S. Eitrem, 'Les Thesmophoria, les Skirophoria et les Arrhetophoria', Symbolae Osloenses 23 (1944) 32-45
S. Hornblower & A. Spawforth (eds.), Oxford Classical Dictionary, 3rd ed. rev., Oxford-New York, Oxford University Press, 2003 (s.v. Skirophoria; Zeus)
R. Parker, Miasma, Oxford 1983, 28-9
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4
Keywords: aetiology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; religion; women; zoology
Translated by: Antonella Ippolito on 24 January 2005@18:59:30.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified headword and aspects of translation & notes; added some cross-references; added more keywords; cosmetics) on 25 January 2005@04:56:02.
Catharine Roth (betacode cosmetics) on 26 January 2005@00:54:05.
Catharine Roth (more betacode cosmetics) on 26 January 2005@00:55:05.
David Whitehead (added what is now n.1 and modified what becomes n.2, after discussion with translator; added another cross-reference; further cosmetics) on 26 January 2005@03:14:45.
Catharine Roth (adjusted links) on 12 February 2005@17:27:50.
Antonella Ippolito on 25 February 2005@13:03:19.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 27 February 2005@04:07:57.
David Whitehead (expanded primary note; cosmetics) on 13 July 2012@04:20:11.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 16 November 2014@01:04:17.
Catharine Roth (typo) on 7 December 2014@00:40:12.
Catharine Roth (reordered bibliography) on 5 September 2016@22:36:06.


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