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Adler number: delta,1207
Translated headword: Zeus' [son] Korinthos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A proverb applying to those who keep saying the same things, it was coined for the following reason: the Megarians, subject to the Corinthians,[1] were oppressed with their orders and clearly vexed on this point. Corinthian envoys went to Megara, grew irritated when the people would not listen to them, and began to shout 'Zeus' son Korinthos will not put up with this.' So they say that the Megarians threw the envoys out and beat them, saying 'take that, Zeus' son Korinthos'!
Greek Original:*dio\s *ko/rinqos: e)pi\ tw=n ta\ au)ta\ lego/ntwn paroimi/a. e)rre/qh de\ di' ai)ti/an toiau/thn: *megarei=s u(pakou/ontes *korinqi/ois e)barou=nto toi=s e)pita/gmasi kai\ faneroi\ dusanasxetou=ntes h)=san e)pi\ tou/tw|. *korinqi/wn de\ pre/sbeis h)=lqon ei)s ta\ *me/gara kai\ tou= dh/mou mh\ prose/xontos au)toi=s a)ganaktou=ntes e)bo/wn: ou)k a)ne/cetai tau=ta o( *dio\s *ko/rinqos. fasi\n ou)=n tou\s *megarei=s e)kba/llontas au)tou\s pai/ein kai\ le/gein: pai=e to\n *dio\s *ko/rinqon.
cf. the
scholia to
Frogs 439, and
Euthydemus 292E (both of which passages mention the proverb); and
Zenobius 3.21. For an alternative explanation to the one given here see
omicron 40.
[1] Other versions have Corinth and Corcyra.
Keywords: aetiology; comedy; daily life; geography; history; mythology; philosophy; proverbs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 May 2003@08:23:45.
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