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Search results for delta,1193 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1193
Translated headword: scouts
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the watchers, the advanced guards.[1] "Because of the rain pouring down, as the Avars contrived, and the air being foggy and dark, the scouts were not able to distinguish the enemy coming to assault" [2].
Greek Original:*diopth=res: oi( e)pithrhtai/, oi( profu/lakes. kataxeome/nou tou= e)c e)pitexnh/sews o)/mbrou tw=n *)aba/rwn kai\ sunnefou=s o)/ntos tou= a)e/ros kai\ e)se/ti skotw/dous ou)x oi(=oi/ te e)ge/nonto oi( diopth=res diagnw=nai e)pio/ntas tou\s dusmenei=s.
[1] cf.
delta 1992, and see also e.g.
Seven against Thebes 36 (
katopth=ras stratou=) with the
scholia there.
[2] This unattributed historiographical quotation apparently stems from
Menander the Guardsman (a.k.a.
Menander Protector). Blockley registers it as fr. 35.2, while expressing (287 with n.329) some uncertainty about the attribution. On the Avars see
alpha 18.
R.C. Blockley, The history of Menander the Guardsman: introductory essay, text, translation and historiographical notes, Liverpool, Cairns, 1985
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Antonella Ippolito on 11 January 2005@20:07:09.
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