*diopompei=sqai: a)potropia/zesqai kai\ a)pokaqai/resqai. kai\ *)apodiopompei/sqw.
The headword is the present infinitive of the compound verb
diopompe/omai. Lexicographers are the only extant source for forms of the un-compounded
diopompe/omai, since the verb normally appears as
a)podiopompe/omai (
alpha 3297; LSJ entry at web address 1,
Synagoge alpha828). For the general equivalence see
Eustathius on
Odyssey 10.481
a)/llws de\ koino/teron diopompei=n kai\ a)podiopompei=n e)fai/neto. The substantive
diopomph/ can be found in
Etymologicum Gudianum 147.54, with the gloss
pe/myis, "mission"; cf.
Clement of Alexandria,
Stromata 7.6.33
th=i diopomph/sei tw=n kakw=n. For the meaning see
Hesychius alpha6304
a)podiopompei=sqai: a)postre/fesqai, to\n a)potro/paion e)kpe/mpesqai makra/n, a)pokaqai/resqai, "to escort away: to turn away, to send the ill-omened one [sc. a scapegoat] far away, to purify"; delta1900
diopompei=sqai: kaqai/rein, i)di/ws de\ tou\s kaqai/rontas pro\s to\n prostro/paion *di/a a)pope/mpein, "to purify; properly, to send those who purify to [the shrine of] Zeus Prostropaios [= to whom one turns to obtain purification]". According to
Etymologicum Magnum 125.33, which offers the etymology
a)po\ tou= *dio\s kai\ tou= pompo/s, "from
Zeus and
escort", following a grammatical explanation of the verb (
prw/ths suzugi/as diopompw=, diopomph/sw, "first conjugation"), the headword
shmai/nei to\ a)potre/pesqai dia\ tou= a)potropai/ou *dio\s, a)potro/paios me\n *zeu\s, kai\ dai/mwn, a)potre/pwn ta\ a)/gh, "denotes the action of averting [evil] with the help of Zeus Apotropaios; [the epithet]
apotropaios [for] Zeus and a
demon means curse-lifting, turning away the pollution". Cf.
Laws 854B
i)/qi e)pi\ ta\s a)podiopomph/seis, i)/qi e)pi\ qew=n a)potropai/wn i(era\ i(ke/ths, "betake yourself to the purificatory rituals, betake yourself as a suppliant to the shrines of the evil-averting gods". For another instance of the verb in reference to purificatory rituals see
Hesychius lambda691 s. v.
*le/rnh qeatw=n (
The Lerne of the theaters,
Cratinus fr. 347 Kock = 392 K.-A.): "
paroimi/a ti/s e)stin *argolikh\ *le/rnh kakw=n, h(\n a)podiopompou/menoi e)/legon. ta\ ga\r a)pokaqa/rmata ei)s tou=to to\ xwri/on e)ne/ballon, "there is a common saying, 'Argolian Lerne of ills' [= abyss of ills] which they used to say when they made purifications, for they used to send to that place all that they wanted to cleanse off" (cf.
Strabo 8.6.8;
Pausanias 8.15.8). For further relation to rituals of
ka/qarsis see [
Lysias] 6.53
th\n po/lin kaqai/resqai kai\ a)podiopompei=n kai\ farmako\n a)pope/mpein kai\ a)lith/rion a)palla/ttesqai, "purify the city, avert evil from there, expel the scapegoat and take away the sinner"; again
Eustathius on
Odyssey 10.481
pu=r zhtei= *)odusseu\s e)pi\ kaqa/rsei tou= dw/matos. e)do/koun ga\r oi( *(/ellhnes ou(/tw ta\ toiau=ta mu/sh kaqai/resqai diopompou/mena, "Odysseus is looking for fire, in order to purify the palace. It seems that in this way the Greeks used to clear off the uncleanness thrown away";
Laws 878A
kaqh/rasqai kai\ a)podiopomph/sasqai to\n oi)=kon ... kata\ no/mon “purify and cleanse the house…according to rules”. See also
Cratylus 396E
au)/rion de/, a)\n kai\ u(mi=n sundokh=|, a)podiopomphso/meqa te au)th\n kai\ kaqarou/meqa e)ceuro/ntes o(/stis ta\ toiau=ta deino\s kaqai/rein, ei)=te tw=n i(ere/wn tis ei)=te tw=n sofistw=n; "tomorrow, if you too agree, we will conjure it away and purify ourselves, after having found some one either of the priest or of the sophist, skilled in doing such purifications"; scholion
ad loc. (cf. n.1)
a)podiopompei=sqai fasi\ a)potre/pesqai to\n prostro/paion *di/a kai\ oi(onei\ a)pokaqai/resqai ta\ deina\,"a. is explained as 'to turn to
Zeus Prostropaios and so obtain effective purification from the evil".
Eustathius on
Odyssey 10.481, refers his interpretation of the word
diopompei=sqai to the offerings of ram-fleeces as scapegoats to Zeus Meilichios, during the purificatory rituals which took place in the month Maimakterion (cf.
delta 1210). The meaning escorting out [of the city] the sacred fleece seems to be the originary one; hence "conjure away" (
Cato Maior 22
met' eu)prepei/as tou\s filoso/fous e)k th=s po/lews) or "chase away" a pollution (
Cassius Dio 37.46.1
mi/asma, a damage (Iamblicus,
On the Mysteries 1.13.21
bla/bhn, every kind of negative, ill-omened events or things (scholion on
Nemean 10
th\n e)/rin th\n pro\s tou\s krei/ttwnas; scholion [both the
vetus and
Tzetzes] on
Frogs 1340
tou\s xalepwta/tous tw=n o)nei/rwn;
Clement of Alexandria,
Stromata 7.6.33
kaka/.) both real or presumed (
Ephorus in
Lysander 17 [FGrH 70 F205]
a)podiopompei=sqai pa=n to\ a)rgu/rion kai\ to\ xrusi/on w(/sper kh=ras, "remove all of the gold and silver as calamities".
Libanius 15.1.34 opposes
a)podiopompei=sqai to
au(tw=| gene/sqai suneu/cesqai "wish to have happen to oneself".
[1] =
Photius delta648; cf.
Photius delta646, scholion on
Cratylus 396E (where
a)podiopomphso/meqa occurs) and to
Hesychius delta1900.
[2] The present middle/passive imperative (third person) of the same verb, compounded with the prefix
apo-. The expression, which seems a deprecatory formula, could refer to a person and consequently be translated "let us chase him away" in an unidentified quotation; see already at
alpha 3297.
S. Hornblower & A. Spawforth eds., Oxford Classical Dictionary, 3rd ed. rev., Oxford-New York, Oxford University Press, 2003 (s.v. Skirophoria; Zeus)
H. Cancik & H. Schneider eds., Der neue Pauly: Enzyklopaedie der Antike, Stuttgart, Metzler, 1996-2003 (s.v. Zeus)
S. Eitrem, 'Les Thesmophoria, les Skirophoria et les Arrhetophoria', Symbolae Osloenses 23 (1944) 32-45
R. Parker, Miasma, Oxford 1983, 28-9
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