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Search results for delta,1181 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1181
Translated headword: Dionysios, Dionysius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of Mousonios, a Rhodian or Samian, historian; he was also a priest of the shrine of Helios there.[1] [He wrote]
Local Histories in 2 books;
Description of the Inhabited World; ten books of
Educational History.
I conjecture that Dionysios the Periegete[2] was from
Byzantion, because of [sc. his mention of] the river Rheba[s].[3]
Greek Original:*dionu/sios, *mouswni/ou, *(ro/dios h)\ *sa/mios, i(storiko/s: h)=n de\ kai\ i(ereu\s tou= e)kei=se i(erou= tou= h(li/ou. *(istori/as topika\s e)n bibli/ois #2#, *oi)koume/nhs perih/ghsin, *(istori/as paideutikh=s bibli/a i#. u(polamba/nw o(/ti *dionu/sios o( *perihghth\s *buza/ntios h)=n, dia\ to\n potamo\n *(rh/ban.
[1] This would seem to tip the scales in favor of
Rhodes; cf. OCD(4) 655 s.v. Helios.
[2] OCD(4) 460 s.v. '
Dionysius(9)'; cf. under
delta 1177.
[3] One of two known rivers called Rhebas (sic) flowed into the Black Sea at the town of the same name, NE of
Keywords: biography; geography; historiography; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 18 March 2001@21:31:59.
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