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Search results for delta,1180 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1180
Translated headword: Dionysios, Dionysius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of Miletos, a historian. [He wrote] Events after Dareios in 5 books, Description of the Inhabited World, Persian History in Ionic dialect, 3 books of The Trojan War, Myths, Historic Cycle in 7 books.
Greek Original:*dionu/sios, *milh/sios, i(storiko/s. *ta\ meta\ *darei=on e)n bibli/ois e#, *perih/ghsin oi)koume/nhs, *persika\ *)ia/di diale/ktw|, *trwikw=n bibli/a g#, *muqika/, *ku/klon i(storiko\n e)n bibli/ois z#.
C5 BCE. FGrH 687; cf. OCD(4) s.v. '
Dionysius(5) of Miletus', by Klaus Meister.
The historicity of most of the works attributed to him here is controversial. Meister follows a more sceptical line than Adler (whose apparatus notes, and resists, attempts to reallocate titles to other Suda entries) and Jacoby. See also Drews (below) 20-22.
Drews, Robert. The Greek Accounts of Eastern History. Washington, DC: 1973
Keywords: biography; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; mythology
Translated by: William Hutton on 18 March 2001@21:23:22.
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