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Search results for delta,1173 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1173
Translated headword: Dionysius, Dionysios
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of Alexandria; son of Glaucus. Grammarian. From Nero onwards he was a companion of the emperors until Trajan. He was director of the libraries, and was secretary with responsibility for correspondence, embassies and rescripts. He was the teacher of the grammarian
Parthenius,[1] and a pupil of the philosopher
Chaeremon,[2] whose successor he was in Alexandria.
Greek Original:*dionu/sios, *)alecandreu/s, o( *glau/kou ui(o/s, grammatiko/s: o(/stis a)po\ *ne/rwnos sunh=n kai\ toi=s me/xri *trai+anou= kai\ tw=n biblioqhkw=n prou)/sth kai\ e)pi\ tw=n e)pistolw=n kai\ presbeiw=n e)ge/neto kai\ a)pokrima/- twn. h)=n de\ kai\ dida/skalos *parqeni/ou tou= grammatikou=, maqhth\s de\ *xairh/monos tou= filoso/fou, o(\n kai\ diede/cato e)n *)alecandrei/a|.
C1 AD. See generally RE Dionysios(138).
[1] RE Parthenios(16).
[2] RE Chairemon(7); NP Chairemon(2); OCD4
Chaeremon(2); FGrH 618.
Keywords: biography; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; philosophy; politics
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 10 February 2001@10:58:28.
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