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Search results for delta,1171 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1171
Translated headword: Dionysius, Dionysios
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of Halicarnassus; lived under Caesar Hadrian. Sophist. He was called 'Musician', because of his expertise in music. He wrote 24 books of
Treatises on Rhythm; a
History of Music in 36 books, in which he mentions all manner of aulos-players, citharodes and poets; 22 books on
Musical Education or the Musical Way of Life;
Observations on Music in Plato's Republic (5 books).
Greek Original:*dionu/sios, *(alikarnaseu/s, gegonw\s e)pi\ *)adrianou= *kai/saros, sofisth/s, kai\ *mousiko\s klhqei\s dia\ to\ plei=ston a)skhqh=nai ta\ th=s mousikh=s. e)/graye de\ *(ruqmikw=n u(pomnhma/twn bibli/a kd#, *mousikh=s i(stori/as bibli/a l#2#: e)n de\ tou/tois au)lhtw=n kai\ kiqarw|dw=n kai\ poihtw=n pantoi/wn me/mnhtai: *mousikh=s paidei/as h)\ diatribw=n bibli/a kb#, *ti/na mousikw=s ei)/rhtai e)n th=| *pla/twnos *politei/a| bibli/a e#.
RE Dionysios(142); NP Dionysios(20). Not to be confused with
delta 1174.
Keywords: biography; chronology; daily life; geography; meter and music; philosophy; poetry; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 10 February 2001@10:49:37.
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