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Search results for delta,1164 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1164
Translated headword: Diomedeian compulsion
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Also found is '[Diomedeian] horse'.[1] A proverb, [stemming] from [Diomedes [
Myth]] the son of Tydeus or from the Thracian [Diomedes]. The latter compelled his guests to have intercourse with his daughters and then killed them. His daughters were disgraceful (and the horses are allegories for them). Others say that Diomedes and Odysseus were returning after stealing the Palladium. Odysseus, following behind, intended to kill Diomedes; but Diomedes saw the shadow of his sword in the moonlight and, out of fear, made Odysseus lead the way, poking him in the back with his sword.[2] The proverb is used to describe those who do something under compulsion. The reason for the proverb is this: because Diomedes had man-eating horses.
[Note] that[3] Diomedes on his homeward journey put in to his own land, but was not welcomed. He was chased out, and he went to Calabria[4] where he founded a city which he called Argyrippe; this has since changed its name to
Greek Original:*diomh/deios a)na/gkh. le/getai kai\ i(/ppos. paroimi/a, a)po\ tou= *tude/ws h)\ a)po\ tou= *qra|ko/s: o(\s h)na/gkaze tou\s ce/nous ai)sxrai=s ou)/sais tai=s qugatra/sin au)tou= mi/sgesqai [a(\s kai\ i(/ppous a)llhgorei=], ei)=ta a)nh/|rei. oi( de/, o(/ti *diomh/dhs kai\ *)odusseu\s to\ *palla/dion kle/yantes nukto\s e)panh/|esan. e(po/menos de\ o( *)odusseu\s to\n *diomh/dhn e)boulh/qh a)poktei=nai. e)n th=| selh/nh| de\ i)dw\n th\n skia\n tou= ci/fous o( *diomh/dhs, dei/sas to\n *)odusse/a e)poi/hse proa/gein pai/wn au)tou= tw=| ci/fei to\ meta/frenon. ta/ttetai de\ e)pi\ tw=n kat' a)na/gkhn ti pratto/ntwn. dia\ tou=to le/gei, o(/ti i(/ppous a)nqrwpofa/gous ei)=xen o( *diomh/dhs. o(/ti *diomh/dhs ei)s to\n a)po/ploun kataxqei\s ei)s ta\ i)/dia ou)k e)de/xqh, a)lla\ diwxqei\s a)ph=lqen ei)s *kalabri/an kai\ kti/zei po/lin, h(\n e)ka/lesen *)arguri/pphn, th\n metonomasqei=san *benebento/n.
For 'Diomedeian compulsion' see e.g.
Ecclesiazusae 1029;
Republic 493D;
Zenobius 3.8.
[By a slip, the SOL headword gives not this phrase but the opening of the gloss.]
[1] (This initial gloss, Adler reports, occurs in only two of the mss.) On the carnivorous horses of Diomedes [
Myth] -- the Thracian one about to be mentioned -- see generally OCD(4) 458, under 'Diomedes(1)'.
[2] cf.
omicron 63,
pi 34.
[3] This final paragraph is quoted from
beta 237, cf.
alpha 3791.
[4] In S Italy.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; chronology; comedy; daily life; epic; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; imagery; mythology; proverbs; women; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 9 June 2000@02:15:04.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (augmented and modified notes; added keyword; cosmetics) on 26 March 2001@04:56:02.
David Whitehead (added x-ref; cosmetics) on 20 December 2002@05:47:01.
David Whitehead (modified translation; augmented notes and keywords; typo and other cosmetics) on 21 April 2004@04:35:59.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 12 July 2012@05:10:39.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 3 August 2014@05:22:43.
David Whitehead (expanded primary note; tweaked tr) on 11 November 2015@04:09:09.
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