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Adler number: delta,1140
Translated headword: Diogenianus, Diogenianus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of another
Heraclea, not the one in Pontus.[1] Grammarian. He too lived under the emperor Hadrian. The possibility has to be considered that he is the doctor from Albace
Heraclea in Caria, since he was an expert on literature[2] in general; for I have not found it stated explicitly that he was from
Heraclea in Pontus, though that is the opinion of some. His books are as follows:
Miscellaneous Lexicon, alphabetically arranged, in 5 books - this is an epitome of
Lexicon in 405 books and of Zopyrion's;[3]
Anthology of Epigrams;
On rivers, harbours, springs, mountains [and] mountain ridges;
On Rivers, alphabetically arranged, a description in epitome;
Collection and Table of Cities throughout the World; and so on.
Greek Original:*diogeneiano/s, *(hraklei/as e(te/ras, ou) th=s *po/ntou, grammatiko/s, gegonw\s kai\ au)to\s e)pi\ *)adrianou= basile/ws. e)pistate/on de\ mh/pote/ e)stin o( e)k th=s *)alba/khs *(hraklei/as th=s e)n *kari/a| i)atro/s: h)=n ga\r ou(=tos pantoi=os lo/gos: ou) ga\r eu(=ron r(htw=s to\ e)c *(hraklei/as au)to\n ei)=nai th=s e)n *po/ntw|, a)ll' ou(/tw para/ tisi dedo/castai. e)/sti de\ au)tou= bibli/a tau=ta: *le/cis pantodaph\ kata\ stoixei=on e)n bibli/ois e#: e)pitomh\ de/ e)sti tw=n *pamfi/lou le/cewn bibli/wn e# kai\ tetrakosi/wn kai\ tw=n *zwpuri/wnos: *)epigramma/twn a)nqolo/gion, *peri\ potamw=n, limnw=n, krhnw=n, o)rw=n, a)krwreiw=n, *peri\ potamw=n kata\ stoixei=on e)pi/tomon a)nagrafh/n, *sunagwgh\n kai\ pi/naka tw=n e)n pa/sh| gh=| po/lewn: kai\ loipa/.
K. Latte (ed.), Hesychii Alexandrini lexicon vol.1 (Copenhagen 1953) xlii-xliv.
N.G. Wilson, Scholars of Byzantium (London 1983) 90-91
Keywords: biography; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; medicine; poetry; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 28 June 2000@14:39:37.
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