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Search results for delta,1132 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1132
Translated headword: rotation
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the whirling around of the air, the swirling.
Aristophanes in
Clouds [writes]: "but ethereal rotation". [1] Others [maintain] that it is an earthenware vessel; that is, a deep drinking-cup, called a
Aristophanes says that dinos and the clouds [are] divinities.[3]
Greek Original:*di=nos: h( peridi/nhsis h( ai)qeri/a, h( sustrofh/. *)aristofa/nhs *nefe/lais: a)ll' ai)qe/rios di=nos. oi( de/, o(/ti kerameou=n e)stin a)ggei=on: toute/sti baqu\ poth/rion, o(\ kalei=tai di=nos. di=no/n fhsin *)aristofa/nhs kai\ ta\s nefe/las qeou/s.
Clouds 380 (web address 1), with comment from the
scholia there.
[2] A
dinos was a deep earthenware drinking-vessel wide at the top and running down to a point, thus resembling a vortex. Compare generally
delta 1133.
[3] See
Clouds 265, 423 (Clouds as divinities); 380, 828, 1471-1474 (Dinos).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; food; imagery; philosophy; religion; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Tony Natoli on 5 May 2002@17:54:29.
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