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Search results for delta,1118 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1118
Translated headword: Dictys, Diktys
Vetting Status: high
Translation: During the reign of Claudius,[1] after an earthquake had flattened Crete and many graves had been opened, in one of these there was found the historical treatise of Dictys, covering the Trojan War; Claudius took this and let it out it to be copied.
Greek Original:*di/ktus: o(/ti e)pi\ *klaudi/ou th=s *krh/ths u(po\ seismou= katenexqei/shs kai\ pollw=n ta/fwn a)newxqe/ntwn eu(re/qh e)n e(ni\ tou/twn to\ su/ntagma th=s i(stori/as *di/ktuos, to\n *trwiko\n perie/xon po/lemon, o(/per labw\n *klau/dios e)ce/dwke gra/fesqai.
Same entry in ps.-
Zonaras; its source is unidentifiable. For Dictys see already
delta 1117.
[1] 41-54 CE.
Keywords: chronology; epic; geography; historiography; military affairs; mythology; science and technology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 May 2003@04:19:01.
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