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Search results for delta,1117 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1117
Translated headword: Dictys, Diktys
Vetting Status: high
Translation: An historian [of that name]. He wrote Ephemeris; it is a prose version, in 9 books, of post-Homeric events; [also] Italic Affairs,[1] [Account] of the Trojan battle-order.
This man wrote up the events concerning the abduction of Helen and about Menelaus and the entire Trojan topic.
Greek Original:*di/ktus, i(storiko/s. e)/grayen *)efhmeri/da: e)/sti de\ ta\ meq' *(/omhron kataloga/dhn e)n bibli/ois q#, *)italika/, *trwikou= diako/smou. ou(=tos e)/graye ta\ peri\ th=s a(rpagh=s *(ele/nhs kai\ peri\ *menela/ou kai\ pa/shs *)iliakh=s u(poqe/sews.
P.Tebt.268, ed. W.Eisenhut,
Dictyis Cretensis ephemeridos belli Troiani libri (Leipzig 1958); FGrH 49; S.J. Harrison in OCD(4) s.v. Dictys Cretensis ('supposed companion of
Idomeneus at
Troy and alleged author of an account of the Trojan War; fragments survive from a Greek version of the 2nd/3rd cent. AD (P.Tebt.2.268). The extant
Ephemeris belli Troiani (c.4th cent. AD), relating the
Troy-saga from
Cypria to
Telegony'), is a translation of this work, by one L.Septimius, and...was much read in the Greekless Middle Ages'). See also
delta 1118.
Iliac [Trojan] Affairs, rather.
Keywords: biography; chronology; epic; geography; historiography; military affairs; mythology; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 May 2003@04:12:51.
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