Suda On Line
Search results for delta,1089 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1089
Translated headword: lawsuit, private suit
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the prosecution undertaken on behalf of wrongs against individuals, the penalty in which is fixed in the laws.[1]
"Having been a litigant in an unjust lawsuit and having fled in order to avoid being ruined before them, he survived. And [they say that] the resulting lawsuit was unjust."[2]
This is the name[3] for such lawsuits whose timing is rescheduled, either because of some political reason or after the witnesses have been convicted of perjury.
Greek Original:*di/kh: h( u(pe\r i)diwtikw=n a)dikhma/twn sunistame/nh kathgori/a, kai\ h(=s to\ ti/mhma w(/ristai toi=s no/mois. o( de\ di/khn a)/dikon dika/sas kai\ diafugw\n mh\ a)pole/sqai pro/teros tou/twn perih=n. kai\ di/khn gene/sqai a)/dikon. ai( toiau=tai di/kai ou(/tw le/gontai ai( ei)s a)/kairon a)pokaqista/menai h)/toi dia\ politikh\n ai)ti/an h)\ tw=n martu/rwn a(lo/ntwn yeudokathgo/rwn.
cf. (e.g.)
alpha 344,
alpha 345,
alpha 3456,
beta 367,
delta 1090,
delta 1091,
delta 1094,
lambda 381,
omicron 962,
omicron 963.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica -- but the second element of the definition is too restrictive: only some penalties were fixed; cf.
alpha 4364.
[2] Quotation unidentifiable (Adler suggests
[3] i.e.
anadikoi, "subject to appeal". This crucial word is omitted here, but see
Hesychius s.v.
Keywords: biography; definition; ethics; law; politics
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 5 July 2003@21:11:38.
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