Suda On Line
Search results for delta,1083 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1083
Translated headword: justly (and) unjustly, rightly (and) wrongly
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning in every way.
Aristophanes in
Wealth [writes]: "for this is the house which you must today fill with riches, both justly and unjustly". That is by every contrivance.
Greek Original:*dikai/ws a)di/kws: a)nti\ tou= panti\ tro/pw|. *)aristofa/nhs *plou/tw|: h( ga\r oi)ki/a au(/th 'sti/n, h(\n dh\ xrhma/twn sh/meron mesth\n poih=sai, kai\ dikai/ws kai\ a)di/kws. toute/sti pa/sh| te/xnh|.
Wealth [
Plutus] 231-3 (which has
dei=, corrupted into the Suda's untranslatable
dh/), with comment from the
scholia there.
Keywords: comedy; definition; economics; ethics
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 May 2003@03:33:42.
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