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Search results for delta,1082 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1082
Translated headword: statutes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] law, commandments, judgments: he [sc. the Psalmist] calls "law" [
no/mos] the [law] that was given by God through
Moses; "commandments" [
e)ntolai/] and "ordinances" [
prosta/gmata] also the same [law] because it is royally commanded and ordained; "statutes" [
dikaiw/mata] because it is able to justify [
dikaiou=n] the one who observes them; "judgments" [
kri/mata] because it reveals God's decisions and the appropriate recompense for those who live lawfully or unlawfully; and "testimonies" [
martu/ria] because it bears witness and demonstrates what [penalties] they will undergo who violate these [judgments]. But condemnations [are] also [called]
Greek Original:*dikaiw/mata, no/mos, e)ntolai/, kri/mata: no/mon kalei= to\n u(po\ tou= qeou= dia\ tou= *mwse/ws dedome/non, e)ntola\s de\ kai\ prosta/gmata pa/lin to\n au)to\n w(s basilikw=s e)ntalqe/nta kai\ prostaxqe/nta, dikaiw/mata, w(s dikaiou=n to\n katorqou=nta duna/menon, kri/mata de\ w(s ta\s qei/as yh/fous u(podeiknu/nta kai\ ta\s a)ci/as a)ntido/seis tw=n te e)nno/mws kai\ parano/mws biou/ntwn, martu/ria de\ w(s diamarturou/menon kai\ deiknu/nta, oi(/ais u(poblhqh/sontai oi( tau=ta parabai/nontes. dikaiw/mata de\ kai\ ai( katakri/seis.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; law; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 6 December 2004@00:56:51.
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