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Search results for delta,1076 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1076
Translated headword: more just than a stachane
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to those who love justice; for stachane is what the Dorians call a pair of scales, perhaps by a link with stasis.
And [there is] another [version of the] proverb. More just than a pair of scales.[1]
Greek Original:*dikaio/teron staxa/nhs: e)pi\ tw=n ta\ di/kaia a)gapw/ntwn: staxa/nhn ga\r oi( *dwriei=s th\n truta/nhn kalou=sin, i)/sws para\ th\n sta/sin. kai\ e(te/ra paroimi/a. *dikaio/teros truta/nhs.
Zenobius 3.16, etc.; cf.
sigma 1013,
tau 1105.
[1] Besides the different vocabulary, this version has 'more just' as masculine rather than neuter.
Keywords: daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; law; proverbs; science and technology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 May 2003@03:25:02.
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