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Search results for delta,1073 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1073
Translated headword: justice
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [It is] a knowledge of what one should choose and what one should beware of and [what is] neither of them.[1]
Now justice [is] the common virtue, the [virtue] that is opposed to the other virtues equivocally. But courage and justice differ, although being of the same genus [and being ranged] under the same genus, virtue. For instance, in one sense courage is a mean, in another sense justice, for [the former is a mean between] two vices, boldness and cowardice, while [the former is a mean between] excess and defect, out of which injustice [arises]. In fact, the being of injustice [consists] in these. And courage is concerned with some things, for [courage] relates to the endurance of dangers; and justice is concerned with other things, for [justice] relates to what is equal, both in distribution and in agreements. Thus [these] also are of the same genus.
Greek Original:*dikaiosu/nh: e)pisth/mh w(=n ai(rete/on kai\ eu)labhte/on kai\ ou)dete/rwn. dikaiosu/nh ou)=n h( koinh\ a)reth\ kai\ h( a)ntidiairoume/nh tai=s a)/llais a)retai=s o(mwnu/mws. diafe/rei de\ a)ndri/a kai\ dikaiosu/nh, o(mo- genei=s ou)=sai u(po\ to\ au)to\ ge/nos, th\n a)reth/n: oi(=on a)/llws me\n h( a)ndri/a meso/ths, a)/llws de\ h( dikaiosu/nh: h( me\n ga\r du/o kakiw=n, qrasu/thtos kai\ deili/as, h( de\ pleoneci/as kai\ meioneci/as e)c w(=n h( a)diki/a: e)n ga\r tou/tois th=| a)diki/a| to\ ei)=nai. kai\ peri\ a)/lla me\n h( a)ndri/a, peri\ ga\r ta\s tw=n kindu/nwn u(pomona/s: peri\ a)/lla de\ h( dikaiosu/nh, peri\ ga\r to\ i)/son, to/ te e)n dianomh=| kai\ to\ e)n toi=s sunalla/gmasi. kai\ ou(/tw me\n ta\ o(mogenh=.
See also
delta 1074,
delta 1075.
[1] A Stoic definition -- apparently of
courage, though there are textual issues -- from
Diogenes Laertius 7.92. (The remainder of the entry draws on Alexander of
Commentaries on Aristotle's Topica 114.15-16 and 116.2-10.)
Keywords: definition; ethics; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 28 December 2003@01:38:16.
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