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Search results for chi,96 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,96
Translated headword: palisade; stake
Vetting Status: high
Translation: In the masculine [it means] an army camp.[1]
"The Greeks consider this to be the best stake, one which has the most and the largest projections around its base; whereas amongst Romans stakes have two or three 'wings'."[2]
'Demostratus' in Naturalized Citizen [writes]: "they brought the palisade up to the headland."[3]
But [sc. also attested] in the feminine, [meaning] the [stake] of a vine. "The stake deceived the vine."[4]
Greek Original:*xa/rac: a)rsenikw=s to\ strato/pedon. o(/ti oi( *(/ellhnes tou=ton h(gou=ntai xa/raka a)/riston, o(\s a)\n e)/xh| plei/stas e)kfu/seis kai\ mega/las pe/ric tou= pre/mnou: para\ de\ *(rwmai/ois du/o kerai/as h)\ trei=s e)/xousin oi( xa/rakes. *dhmo/stratos *dhmopoi/hta: oi( me\n prose/feron to\n xa/raka pro\s th\n a)/kran. qhlukw=s de/, o( th=s a)mpe/lou. e)chpa/thsen h( xa/rac th\n a)/mpelon.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica.
Polybius 18.18.6; again at
pi 2243.
Timostratus [sic] fr. 2 Kock and K.-A. The Suda and other lexica (for which see below) have "Demostratus", but no such author is attested in Greek literature; Meineke's emendation to "
Timostratus" is standard, and the error was evidently generated by the play's title (again a standard emendation, from the transmitted
*Dhmopoi/hta). This part of the entry =
Etymologicum Genuinum; see also ps.-
Zonaras 1841,
Etymologicum Magnum 806.42.
Wasps 1291 (web address 1 below); cf.
chi 97,
epsilon 1740, and
eta 672.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: agriculture; botany; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; military affairs; proverbs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 14 March 2008@10:31:01.
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