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Headword: *xa/rac
Adler number: chi,95
Translated headword: Charax
Vetting Status: high
Of Pergamum, a priest and philosopher. I found[1] in an ancient book the following epigram about him: "I am Charax, a priest from the venerable heights of Pergamum, where once Telephus, blameless son of blameless Heracles, fought a war against city-destroying Achilles."[2] He is much later than the ones after Augustus. At any rate, in the second of the books he mentions Augustus, as having become Caesar long ago, and in the seventh [book] Nero and the emperors after him. He wrote Greek and [Roman?] histories,[3] in 40 [books].
Greek Original:
*xa/rac, *pergamhno/s, i(ereu\s kai\ filo/sofos: w(s eu(=ron e)n a)rxai/w| bibli/w| e)pi/gramma ou(/tws e)/xon: ei)mi\ *xa/rac i(ereu\s gerarh=s a)po\ *per- ga/mou a)/krhs, e)/nqa pote\ ptole/micen *)axillh=i+ ptolipo/rqw| *th/lefos, *(hraklh=os a)mu/monos ui(o\s a)mu/mwn. e)/sti de\ tw=n meta\ *au)/gouston pollw=| new/teros. me/mnhtai gou=n e)n tw=| deute/rou tw=n bibli/wn *au)gou/stou, w(s pa/lai genome/nou kai/saros, kai\ e)n tw=| e(bdo/mw| *ne/rwnos kai\ tw=n met' au)to\n basileusa/ntwn. e)/grayen *(ellhnikw=n te kai\ ... i(storiw=n bibli/a m#.
FGrH 103; perhaps second century CE.
[1] For such autobiographical touches cf. delta 1182 and the other cross-references there.
[2] Greek Anthology Appendix, Epigrammata demonstrativa 119.
[3] 'Roman' was Jacoby's tentative suggestion to fill this lacuna (left blank by Adler). An alternative, deriving support from Eustathius, is 'Italic' (Westermann).
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; geography; historiography; mythology; philosophy; poetry; religion
Translated by: David Whitehead on 28 April 2003@09:17:29.
Vetted by:
Elizabeth Vandiver (Cosmetics; raised status) on 28 August 2003@17:23:44.
Elizabeth Vandiver (Raised status) on 28 August 2003@17:24:21.
David Whitehead (added keyword; cosmetics) on 29 August 2003@03:30:49.
David Whitehead (augmented notes) on 7 August 2011@08:51:00.
David Whitehead (changed a note) on 22 July 2012@04:39:58.
David Whitehead on 8 November 2013@04:27:08.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 19 October 2014@01:17:04.
David Whitehead (restored full set of keywords) on 19 October 2014@03:26:45.
David Whitehead on 31 May 2016@10:50:28.


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