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Search results for chi,88 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,88
Translated headword: ravine lion
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] one [which lives] in the ravines. Unless it means the Thespian [lion], which was the first one Heracles killed, in Thespiae.[1] That place is called "Ravine" (xara/dra).
Greek Original:*xaradrai=os le/wn: o( para\ tai=s xara/drais. ei) mh\ to\n *qespiako\n le/gei, o(\n prw=ton a)nei=len *(hraklh=s e)n *qespiai=s. *xara/dra de\ kalei=tai o( to/pos e)kei=nos.
The headword phrase is proverbial: see
Zenobius 6.39. For ravines cf.
chi 86,
chi 87.
[1] According to
Apollodorus (2.4.9-10), Heracles in his youth, before killing the Nemean lion as part of his labors, killed a lion that was roaming Mt. Cithaeron at the behest of King Thespius.
Pausanias, however, cites a rival tradition that has Alcathous killing the lion of Mt. Cithaeron (1.41.3).
Keywords: daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; mythology; proverbs; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 13 March 2008@17:00:11.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (augmented note and keywords; cosmetics) on 14 March 2008@05:15:17.
David Whitehead (another keyword; tweaking) on 8 November 2013@03:58:58.
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