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Adler number: chi,85
Translated headword: joy
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] pleasure, cheerfulness, delight. Some say that the same thing is signified by these words, as far as the underlying concept is concerned. But
Prodicus[1] tried to assign a particular signification to each of these nouns,[2] just as those from the Stoa [do], saying[3] that 'joy' is a reasonable elation, while 'pleasure' is elation without reason; 'delight' is pleasure that comes from things we see, 'cheerfulness' from words. But this is [the approach] of prescriptivists. For it is not a mistake to call pleasure 'joy'; just as it is not a mistake to call the monad indivisible; nor to call joy 'joy' or the monad 'monad'. But agreeing to call one thing by a thing that is different is absurd and false.
Greek Original:*xara/: h(donh/, eu)frosu/nh, te/ryis. tine/s fasi kata\ to\ u(pokei/menon tau)to\n shmaino/menon ei)=nai. *pro/dikos de\ e)peira=to e(ka/stw| tw=n o)noma/twn tou/twn i)/dio/n ti shmaino/menon u(pota/ssein, w(/sper kai\ oi( a)po\ th=s *stoa=s, xara\n me\n le/gontes eu)/logon e)/parsin, h(donh\n de\ e)/parsin a)/logon, te/ryin de\ th\n dia\ qewri/as h(donh/n, eu)frosu/nhn de\ th\n dia\ lo/gwn h(donh/n: nomoqetou/ntwn de/ e)sti tou=to. to\ me\n ga\r ei)pei=n h(donh\n xara\n ou)x a(ma/rthma, w(/sper ou)de\ to\ th\n mona/da a)diai/reton: ou)de\ ga\r to\ th\n xara\n xara\n ei)pei=n h)\ th\n mona/da mona/da: to\ de\ sumbebhke/nai qa/teron qate/rw| le/gein a)/topo/n te kai\ yeu=dos.
From Alexander of
Commentaries on Aristotle's Topics 181.1-9 (on
Topics 2.6 = 112b22).
[1] The sophist
Prodicus of Ceos: see generally
pi 2365.
[2] On
Prodicus and his skills in dealing with synonymy cf.
Protagoras 337A-C and especially 358B. See also
Democritus B 26 DK.
[3] The logical and grammatical antecedent of this participle is the Stoics, but this has not stopped someone from ascribing this precise division of terms and the method on which it is based to
Prodicus (DK A19).
Aristotle (see note above) distinguishes himself from
Prodicus by identifying
xara/, te/ryis, eu)frosu/nh as types of
h(donai/ (pleasures) without distinguishing further between the terms.
cf. also the
scholia to
Phaedrus 267B.
M. Reesor. "The Stoic *I*D*I*O*N and Prodicus' Near-Synonyms." American Journal of Philology 104 (1983) 130 ff.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: William Hutton on 25 October 2000@13:10:55.
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