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Search results for chi,84 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,84
Translated headword: Chaos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Aristophanes [writes]: "First was Chaos, Night, black Erebus, and broad Tartarus. There was neither earth, nor air, nor heaven. Black-winged Night begat the first wind-egg in the boundless bosom of Erebus. And after the cycles of the years, from this sprang Eros the desirable, whose back glistened with golden wings just like wind-swift eddies. He mated with winged night-like Chaos in deep Tartarus and hatched our race and first rose up to the light. There was no earlier race of the Deathless before Eros joined everything. And when some mixed with others, there came to be Heaven and the Ocean and the Earth, and the immortal race of blessed gods."[1]
Greek Original:*xa/os: *)aristofa/nhs: *xa/os h)=n kai\ *nu\c *)/erebo/s te me/lan prw=ton kai\ *ta/rtaros eu)ru/s: gh= d' ou)d' a)h\r ou)d' ou)rano\s h)=n: *)ere/bous d' e)n a)pei/roisi ko/lpois ti/ktei prw/tiston u(phne/mion *nu\c h( melano/pteros w)|o/n: e)c ou(= peritellome/nais w(/rais e)/blast' *)/erws o( poqeino/s, sti/lbwn nw=ton pteru/gain xrusai=n, ei)kw\s a)nemw/kesi di/nais. ou(=tos de\ *xa/ei ptero/enti mixqei\s nuxi/w| kata\ *ta/rtaron eu)ru\n e)neo/tteuse ge/nos h(me/teron kai\ prw=ton a)nh/gagen ei)s fw=s. pro/teron d' ou)k h)=n ge/nos a)qana/twn, pri\n *)/erws sune/micen a(/panta: cummignume/nwn e(te/rwn e(te/rois, e)ge/neto *ou)rano\s *)wkeano/s te kai\ *gh=, pa/ntwn te qew=n maka/rwn ge/nos a)/fqiton.
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Keywords: comedy; gender and sexuality; imagery; mythology; religion; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 23 September 2000@04:01:31.
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