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Headword: *xu/troi
Adler number: chi,622
Translated headword: Pots
Vetting Status: high
A festival at Athens; on a single day both the Pitchers and the Pots used to be held; in it they would boil every [kind of] seed in a pot and sacrifice it to Dionysus and to Hermes.[1] Theopompus says that those who had been saved from the flood boiled a pot of every kind of seed, whence the festival is thus named, and that they sacrificed in the Pitchers [festival] to Chthonic Hermes; but that no one eats from the pot. [He says] those who had been saved did this, propitiating Hermes on behalf of those who died also.[2]
Greek Original:
*xu/troi: e(orth\ *)aqh/nhsin: e)n mia=| de\ h(me/ra| h)/gonto oi(/ te *xu/troi kai\ oi( *xo/es: e)n w(=| pa=n spe/rma ei)s xu/tran e(yh/santes e)/quon *dionu/sw| kai\ *(ermh=|. *qeo/pompo/s fhsi tou\s diaswqe/ntas e)k tou= kataklusmou= e(/yein xu/tra panspermi/as, o(/qen ou(/tw klhqh=nai th\n e(orth/n, kai\ qu/ein toi=s *xou=sin *(ermh=| *xqoni/w|: th=s de\ xu/tras ou)de/na geu/sasqai. tou=to de\ poih=sai tou\s periswqe/ntas, i(laskome/nous to\n *(ermh=n kai\ peri\ tw=n a)poqano/ntwn.
From scholia to Aristophanes, Acharnians 1076 (web address 1), where the festival is mentioned; see also the scholia to Aristophanes, Frogs 218 (web address 2).
[1] For the Pitchers festival, Choes, see chi 369 and chi 370. Both the Pots and the Pitchers are parts of the Anthesteria, on which see alpha 2500, theta 598.
[2] FGrH 115 F347. For this worldwide flood, associated with the name of Deucalion, cf. beta 478, theta 114, nu 24, tau 71, upsilon 68. As Jacoby notes, a longer version of the citation of Theopompus in the scholia to Frogs 218 makes it clear that qu/ein toi=s *xou=sin *(ermh=| *xqoni/w| ('that they sacrifice in the Pitchers to Chthonic Hermes'), both here and in the scholia to Acharnians 1076, is a mistake for qu/ein au)toi=s e)/qos e)/xousin ... *(ermh=| *xqoni/w| ('it is customary for them in the course of the festival (sc. the Pots) to sacrifice ... to Chthonic Hermes').
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: aetiology; agriculture; botany; chronology; comedy; daily life; definition; ethics; food; geography; historiography; mythology; poetry; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 6 April 2008@03:32:05.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (tweaked headword and tr; augmented notes and keywords) on 6 April 2008@10:20:37.
William Hutton (tweaked translation, augmented notes, added link and keywords, raised status) on 6 April 2008@10:53:11.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 14 November 2013@06:56:49.
Catharine Roth (tweaked link) on 11 July 2023@18:28:17.


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