[Meaning] Egypt. Since Mesrem[1] was the son of Ham, Egypt [is] "Mesrem."[2]
That which today is called "Meser".[3]
*xa\m skhnw/mata: h( *ai)/guptos. e)peidh\ tou= *xa\m o( *mesre/m, *mesre\m de\ h( *ai)/guptos. o(/per le/getai sh/meron *me/ser.
*xa/m in the headword phrase is clearly to be taken as genitive based on the context. However, like other Greek borrowings from Semitic languages, the word does not receive inflectional endings.
[1] Otherwise
*mesrai/m, usually transliterated from the Hebrew מִצְרַיִם
miṣrayīm as "Mizraim" in modern English versions. See
Genesis 10:6 and
1 Chronicles 1:8. See also
mu 674 (
[2] Theodoret (PG 80.1496c) on
Psalm 77.51
LXX, where the headword phrase occurs in the dative plural.
[3] (Addendum lacking, Adler reports, in mss AFS.) In modern Arabic, the word for Egypt is مصر
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