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Search results for chi,619 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,619
Translated headword: chytrinda, chutrinda
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A game; for [sc. one player] is seated in the middle; the others run round him in a circle, toying with him, until he touches someone, who sits in his place. [The word] chytrinda [is] like basilinda[1] and other forms. The accent [comes] before one [sc. syllable, i.e. the last].[2]
Greek Original:*xutri/nda: paidia/: kaqe/zetai ga\r e)n me/sw|: oi( de\ ku/klw| periqe/ontes pai/zousin au)to/n, e(/ws e)fa/yhtai/ tinos, o(\s a)nt' au)tou= ka/qhtai. xutri/nda, w(s basili/nda kai\ a)/lla ei)/dh. pro\ mia=s o( to/nos.
Attested only in lexica and grammars, notably
Hesychius chi850.
beta 161.
[2] For this way of referring to paroxytone accent, see
nu 62 and
chi 103.
On this and other such games see Robert Garland,
The Greek Way of Life (London 1990) 125-127.
Keywords: children; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 4 April 2008@10:42:34.
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