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Adler number: chi,6
Translated headword: is hailing
Vetting Status: high
Translation: i.e. is loose. "If he is hailing in the arse".[1] But this is a disease of animals, which escapes notice while they are living, but becomes apparent when they are dead and cut up. The "hailstone"[2] is mixed up and grown into their flesh. Butchers usually open the mouths of pigs with a peg after slaughter to determine whether they have hailstones.[3] Hailstone is entirely a disease of pigs.
Greek Original:*xalaza=|: h)/toi xalaro/s e)sti. to\n prwkto\n ei) xalaza=|. no/shma de/ e)sti tou=to tw=n qremma/twn, o(/per zw/ntwn me\n lanqa/nei, a)poqano/ntwn de\ kai\ temnome/nwn fanero\n gi/netai. tai=s sarci\ de\ au)tw=n a)name/miktai kai\ e)mpe/fuken h( xa/laza. ei)w/qasi de\ oi( ma/geiroi passa/lw| ta\ tw=n xoi/rwn a)noi/gein sto/mata meta\ th\n sfagh\n kai\ katanoei=n, ei) xalazw=si. xa/laza de/ e)sti pa/qos pa=n xoi/rwn.
The headword verb is extracted from the quotation given.
Knights 381, with comment from a scholiast there. But its author is probably incorrect in his interpretation of
Aristophanes: the passage more probably refers to the disease detailed here, immediately below (so LSJ).
[2] i.e. tubercles or pimples.
History of Animals 603b16-23, reports that these pimples appeared primarily on the underside of the tongue; numerous pimples indicated a watery and loose flesh.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; medicine; zoology
Translated by: Roger Travis on 22 June 1999@15:37:34.
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