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Search results for chi,594 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,594
Translated headword: Choirilos, Choerilus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Athenian, tragedian, began competing in the 64th Olympiad;[1] and he staged 160 plays, and won with 13. This man, according to some, experimented with the masks and the stage(?) of the costumes.[2]
Greek Original:*xoiri/los, *)aqhnai=os, tragiko/s, cd# o)lumpia/di kaqei\s ei)s a)gw=nas: kai\ e)di/dace me\n dra/mata e(ch/konta kai\ e(kato/n, e)ni/khse de\ ig#. ou(=tos kata/ tinas toi=s proswpei/ois kai\ th=| skhnh=| tw=n stolw=n e)pexei/rhsen.
This is
Choerilus(1) in OCD(4) p.311. (For nos.2 and, by mistake, 3, see
chi 595.)
[1] 524/3-521/0. (But this is improbably early.)
[2] The mss do have
th=| skhnh=|; Kuster suggested
th=| skeuh=| 'the style of the costumes'.
Keywords: biography; chronology; clothing; geography; stagecraft; tragedy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 1 April 2008@03:43:19.
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