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Search results for chi,591 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,591
Translated headword: choinix, choenix
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning the units] by which Egyptians measure [time-]periods.[1] "The category of supremely contemplative souls [is] rarer than that of the choinix, by which Egyptians measure [time-]periods; the likes of Amous and Antonios".[2]
Greek Original:*xoi/nikes: oi(=s ta\s perio/dous metrou=sin *ai)gu/ptioi. spaniw/teron de\ to\ ge/nos tw=n qewrhtikwta/twn yuxw=n h)\ to\ tou= xoi/nikos, w(=| ta\s perio/dous metrou=sin *ai)gu/ptioi: oi(=os h)=n *)amou=s kai\ *)antw/nios.
For this nominative plural headword see already
chi 590. The present entry stems from a confusion between two Greek words which differ only in their initial consonant, choinix and (what it should be) phoinix; cf. under
phi 798.
[1] The glossing phrase is taken from the quotation given.
Dio 9 (PG.66.1137a). For Amous and Antonios see
alpha 1632.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; definition; geography; mathematics; philosophy; rhetoric; science and technology; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 4 April 2008@09:35:11.
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