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Search results for chi,590 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,590
Translated headword: choinix, choenix
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The noun means not only the measure [sc. of that name], but also fetters.[1]
Choinikes are fetters of a certain kind; a choinix [is] anything rounded. Hence also the measure is named a choinix.
Aristophanes in
Plutus [writes]: "your shins are crying out, woe woe, craving the choinikes and the fetters."[2]
Greek Original:*xoi/nikes: ou) mo/non to\ me/tron, a)lla\ kai\ ta\s pe/das shmai/nei to\ o)/noma. ai( xoi/nikes pe/dai tine/s ei)si: xoi=nic de\ pa=n perifere/s. dio\ kai\ to\ me/tron xoi=nic kalei=tai. *)aristofa/nhs *plou/tw|: ai( knh=mai de/ sou bow=sin, i)ou\ i)ou/, ta\s xoi/nikas kai\ ta\s pe/das poqou=sai.
For this nominative plural headword see also
chi 591. LSJ s.v. notes the two senses of it mentioned here as nos. I and II (of three).
[1] Similar comments in
Hesychius and other lexica.
Plutus [
Wealth] 275-6 (web address 1), with comment from the
scholia to 276.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: clothing; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; law; mathematics; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Whitehead on 4 April 2008@09:18:59.
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