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Search results for chi,539 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,539
Translated headword: color
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Whenever the crystalline of the eye is colored as a result of a certain affection, it seems to us that the air and the other visible things have been colored with the same color. [...] He says that the visible, what by itself exists in the domain of the visible, is color, and says that surface is what is visible by itself.[1] Surface is visible by itself, although not such as [something] is by itself on account of definition. For [the expression] 'by itself' is double [in its meaning]: either it is that which is taken in the definition of the subject, such as 'animal' and 'rational' in the definition of man (for these belong by themselves to man), or that whose subject is taken in the definition, such as number in the definition of odd and even,[2] and nose in the definition of snubness.[3] For these belong by themselves to the definition. Now, it is not thus that he says that surface is visible by itself, but insofar as it contains in itself the cause of being visible. And this is color, for the color existing in surface is what is visible, and this is what the eyes perceive [...] the color existing in volume. For in the case of transparent stones, even though we think we see them colored through the whole volume, we are deceived with regard to our eyes. For the eyes or [rather] the activities of colors, because the stones are transparent, pass through their depth. And we perceive the stones through the color existing in their surface. This is why we also think we have seen the color existing in the depth.
The Pisidian [writes]: "these things are not decorated for the sake of gratification; all the arguments of truth are simple."[4]
On color, search in the [entry] 'gray'.[5]
Greek Original:*xrw=ma: o(/ti o(phni/ka to\ krustalloeide\s tou= o)fqalmou= a)po/ tinos pa/qous xrwmatisqh=|, dokou=men tw=| au)tw=| xrw/mati kai\ to\n a)e/ra kai\ ta\ a)/lla o(rata\ kexrw=sqai. *xrw=ma de/ fhsin o(rato\n to\ e)pi\ tou= kaq' au(to\ u(pa/rxon o(ratou=: kaq' au(to\ de\ o(rato/n fhsi th\n e)pifa/neian. kaq' au(to\ de\ o(rato\n h( e)pifa/neia, ou)x ou(/tws, w(s tw=| o(rismw=| kaq' au(to/: ditto\n ga\r to\ kaq' au(to/. h)\ o(/per e)n tw=| o(rismw=| tou= u(pokeime/nou paralamba/netai, w(s to\ zw=|on, kai\ to\ logiko\n e)n tw=| o(rismw=| tou= a)nqrw/pou [tau=ta ga\r kaq' au(to\ u(pa/rxei tw=| a)nqrw/pw|]: h)\ ou(= e)n tw=| o(rismw=| to\ u(pokei/menon paralamba/netai, w(s e)n tw=| o(rismw=| tou= a)rti/ou h)\ tou= perittou= o( a)riqmo/s: kai\ e)n tw=| o(rismw=| th=s simo/thtos h( r(i/s. tau=ta ga\r kaq' au(to\ u(pa/rxousi tw=| o(rismw=|. ou)x ou(/tws ou)=n fhsi kaq' au(to\ o(rato\n th\n e)pifa/neian, a)ll' w(s e)/xousan e)n e(auth=| to\ ai)/tion tou= o(rato\n ei)=nai. tou=to de/ e)sti to\ xrw=ma: to\ ga\r e)n th=| e)pifanei/a| xrw=ma tou=to/ e)sti to\ o(rato/n, kai\ tou/tou ai( o)/yeis a)ntilamba/nontai, ... tou= e)n ba/qei xrw/matos: tou\s ga\r diafanei=s tw=n li/qwn ei) kai\ dokou=men o(ra=n di' o(/lou tou= ba/qous kexrwsme/nous, ta\s o)/yeis a)patw/meqa. tw=| me\n ga\r diafanei=s ei)=nai tou\s li/qous diabai/nousi dia\ tou= ba/qous ai( o)/yeis h)\ tw=n xrwma/twn ai( e)ne/rgeiai. dia\ tou= xrw/matos de\ tou= e)n th=| e)pifanei/a| tw=n li/qwn a)ntilambano/meqa: kai\ dia\ tou=to dokou=men kai\ to\ e)n ba/qei xrw=ma e(wrake/nai. kai\ *pisi/dhs: ou)k e)/sti tau=ta pro\s xa/rin kexrwsme/na: a(ploi= de\ pa/ntes th=s a)lhqei/as lo/goi. zh/tei peri\ xrw/matos e)n tw=| faio/n.
The first and principal section of this entry is taken (with slight variations) from John
On Aristotle's de anima 293.2-3 and 320.6-26.
For the headword see already
chi 538.
[1] See
de anima 418a29-30.
[2] cf.
Posterior Analytics 84a12 ff.
[3] cf.
Metaphysics 1030b17-19, 1037a31, 1064a25.
[4] George of
Persian Expedition 3.37.
phi 179; see also
phi 178.
Keywords: definition; imagery; mathematics; medicine; philosophy; poetry; science and technology
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 10 May 2003@16:07:49.
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